Thursday, March 12, 2009


i was geeting ready to go to bed. and it started raining heavily! i couldn't miss such an opportunity.. so i grabbed the camera and started trying 1-minute long exposures. it was 3am (and oh i need to reset the cam clock because of the daylight savings)

through the glass door. i was afraid that the rain will get on the lense. but i realized it won't be the true color...

view from the window
... so i opened the door. this is the true color

gold of the night
concret of the parking lot and garbage cans. during the day nothing would make you even think of taking a photo of this. but at night and in the rain things change..

rain rain
through the window with a mosquito net

without the net


photos that are smaller are uploaded to my picassa. i just want to keep my flickr for good photos only and upload "illustrational" photos to picassa or elsewhere.

daylight saving time doesn't work for me. i used to go to bed around 2.30 am, now i go at 3.30 am. which doesn't matter now but i will have to switch eventually...


Mary D. Haroutyounyan said...

Iraaa ! I'm going to have a DSLR cam soon :) congratulate me :))) we'll learn together to shoot best photos ever !!


Irina D. said...

haha congrats of course!!! when will such a great thing take place? oh Mary when we come to Armenia we will spend a whole day taking photos together :D:D it will be awesome!

Mary D. Haroutyounyan said...

chicca ? My cam is already bought !!!

I am waiting it to get to me :))))))

ura ura ura ura (&ap &ap &ap !)

we will ! We will take loads of photos