however during these military actions both realized that brutal force doesn't solve anything. and so they declared truce and lived in peace from then on:
p.s. however when Michael read the story, he said they are still on war... so i guess the truce is over :(
end of this story
now right across the street there is the "Baker's square" place ...

... especially known for their pies. we went there with Brain and Linzy.
i had a lemon miringue
sitting there kind of reminded me of how i would have a breakfast (or supper or whatever) with Mary and we'd have some waffles with a coffee or a cocktail; or how i would hang out at Alex's office, have some beer (which in fact i hate and which was good only in that company) with some fish snacks and sometimes fast food; or how i'd go out with Helen and we'd have a pizza at "Tashir pizza". All three companies were so different but they all are called friends and it's one of the things i miss the most here. i guess i can't connect to some place, or objects - i can live without it. but people are what i trully connect with and build my associations with places on. so i can't say i miss 'Armenia' - but i will say i miss the people there instead.
that's the way the life flows and in different periods you just have to socialize with different people :) but don't worry, you didn't loose all that stuff. We're still alive, and are able to make the little wishes come true :)
oh , and the photos were totally funny. especially this one:
hello Mr. George
hello Mr. Michael
lol oh certainly! i'm just saying ;)
aren't they both adorable? :)))) i totally love both :D :D
hmmm... I think you should love the second a liiiitle bit more ;))
i most probably do as i am married to the first one :)))
to the FIRST ONE ????? GASH !!!!
ДУ Зоофил ЕС ?! Мишан неужели тенц схалвел а ко медж ???
hahaha oh sorry i thought you said "a little bit LESS" in your comment so i decided that Michael was the first. see how laziness to make a simple check can ruin a whole image? :D:D
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