Friday, July 6, 2007


proj. !logic web net alg. java prob. engl. germ/french russ

Irene 20 17.54 17.6 9.5 17.5 14.5 14 19.61 18.83 13
Anya 20 14.86 18.4 17 17.25 13.6 14.5 18.93 18.49 13.25
Ani M 19 10.31 13.8 11.5 19 18.3 18 19.52 19.75 9.5
Mane 20 17.86 18.4 14.5 18.75 17.4 18.5 19.88 20 11.5
Arman G. 20 17.62 17.6 12.5 19 15.2 16 19.76 19.6 11.75
Alex 20 13.65 20 11 11 10.6 10.5 17.31 13.66 5.75

guys please calc. the general mark by yourself and send it back to me. Here are the coefficients:

3.00 - project
2.00 - algorithm, web, java, net
1.75 - probability, !logic
1.50 - english
1.00 - german/french, russian

if you remind me i'll look up the grades for the last semester.. i must have it somewhere calculated wit coefficients.

the appilation is on 9th, at 11 am don't forget.

Anya remind me to bring the cd.

Mary don't forget the cds!!!