- time
- chocolate
- my skills
- colors! (in my photos)
- light! (in my photos)
- organization
- movement (need to move!!!)
- time time time!
but i'm trying to do my best and make the best use of what i have... time is the worst because if it was good i wouldn't be posting at 3.00 am... anyway :)) i wanted to share this sunset. there is a story connected with it...

(not edited colors)

i was in the 'hobby' room probably flickering. George was on my desk. then i noticed the light changed. and i realized a sunset was about to happen! i knew Michael would come in a moment but oh well it couldn' take me too long to soot a sunset! so i simply grabbed my camera and rushed outside.
the sunset was about to start.. so i had to wait. i went out a bit too early as it turned out. when the sky finally turned pinkish i realized it wasn't going to be an awesome sunset. when it seemed to me it reached it's culmination i turned to go. but then i realized that it was getting more and more beautiful. so i went back and stayed until the last rays of suns died. i went to the apartment.. and a car started off. i looked in that direction and it pretty much looked like Michael's car.
i went into the apartment. definitely Michael had come from work and now had left.... where??? i was hungry! :D George was in his cage... i found my phone and called Michael.
me: heyyy! where are you?
Michael: i'm looking for you.. i thought you were at the bookstore..
me: noooo come home..
and then when he came home and we talked this was found out:
Michael came home and saw that the bird was out and i was gone. no note from me, phone was left at home. however the camera was gone too. so he decided maybe i was at the park! he went out, walked all around the pond without noticing me and came back. he thought maybe i was kidnapped! hehe who would kidnap... *me* :D.
i wasn't hiding or anything - i was just standing perfectly still not to shake the camera. in fact i wasn't even far away - just 10 steps down the path right by the pond - at my favorite place :D:D i couldn't stop laughing and Michael said i was a bad girl :D i guess he expected me jumping around the pond performing some tribal dance :)))) hehehe
heeey ! This is how much he cares about you. Poor boy, he was afraid... though, if anyone tried to kidnap you, I am sure, he would then call Michael, and suggest money to give you back (like in that famous movies (I don't remember the name though))
And the shots, I must say, are gorgeous ! You have to print big sizes and hang on the walls ! You are making good job !
* aren't you thinking about making your hobby into a profession ?
hehehe one of those movies (don't remember the title either) were about an indian kid (native american i mean) who was kidnapped, and the story went on just like you discribed. it was a black and white movie.
OMG i just realized i actually posted photos in original size 4000 x 2000 (approximately i mean)... anyone can print posters from that :D:D but thanks for nice words :)
* uff Mary i don't know... i went to university for programming. i have no degree in photography and most of what i know is not even from books but from "me having fun". besides what am i supposed to do? go take photos of some special occasions like weddings? i'm just afraid that if i turn this into profession it will take some fun out of it - like it will be one of my obligations...
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