the days have been warm and everything is covered in flowers! not only the trees are blossoming, but also a lot of people plant flowers in front of their houses or apartments... which makes me go crazy as i love floristic photography. yes this is a confession :)) flowers have so much color that it always draws my attention especially when they are back-lit by sun and the colors are extremely vibrant. what can i do? i'm a color-maniac :D but the problem with that is - i can't trespass other people's property and especially i can't be sneaking around their houses and taking photos... it will be very suspicious and they will call the police. seriously :D so what can i do? i remembered that fable by Крылов - "the fox and the grapes". citation: Хоть видит око, да зуб неймет (though the eye can see, the tooth cannot try). and even more like that fox i'd convince myself that i don't need another photo of yet another flower.
then i saw this amazing and geometrically perfect and absoluttely symetric narcissus right between 2 of our apartment blocks... just like in gangsta movies, Michael stopped the car in front of the flower, i jumped out (as a bullet from the gun [russian saying again]) and in a ducking down way got to the flower in 2 long steps. picked it up and jumped back to the car and we were gone as the wind.
and you know.. it was so bright yellow, and so sunny looking, that every time i'd look at it i'd be in a better mood. it wilted in 4 days... and seriously for the first time in my life i felt kind of guilty for throwing away something that was beautiful and brought me so much joy.
end of this part
like i said - days are warm. i'd even say it was terribly hot lately - it felt like the afternoonish heat in June in Yerevan. and so people were going to get some tan at the beach! we went there too! and it was great! just laying in the sun, reading our books... it makes me so relaxed that it seems to me the time stops. and when i play with the sand i think of a giant sand-watch :)) i was really surprised when Michael said we've been in the sun for an hour! and i hadn't even turned on the back to tan :D well i had medium sunscreen on so i just got no tan at all. but since some polar bears are very white we have to get their skin get used to the sun slowly. hehe
it also made me think of Sevan and the last trip i made there with Alex, Anya, Vahick and some other kids - when at the end of the trip we were just laying on the beach and didn't want to go home and it felt like we just got there and the adventure was only starting...

unlike Sevan you can see the lake and the sky meet - no mountains, no shore... nothing in between. it's a different beauty and a very different feeling. looks like a giant desert in some ways. no more words - see for yourself:

here just like anywhere people like cooking outside on a summer day/evening, so there is a special barbeque place:

ah and also there are squirrels all over the place! they are so cute! we saw one and it didn't mind modeling for me at all :D
also there is some stuff for kids... well and not also as you can see:
okay i think it's time for me to go to bed... really... i have one more post coming up soon. just need to take some photos for it.
and i'd like to finish this post with a photo of a happy Michael who is still doing good even though i live with him :D
Michael the kiddo :D :D
the lake is really amazing !
great you have such places to walk
Terrific lighting on the daffodil!
PS: I got asked to work tomorrow, so I'm only of Tuesday and Friday.
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