on saturday it was my 4th day at the wheel (of Mike's car :D ). and what did Michael have me do? drive to his parents!!! the road included a freeway.. which was the easiest part just kind of scary at first since i was going 65mph. i love driving :D. but i'm far from being on my own.. i'm so used to being in passenger's seat and looking at all the trafic, traffic lights, turns and stuff with complete indifference - i just see them but don't really notice. and suddenly all those road signs and lights and lanes are so important and i can't skip any.
Michael says i'm doing pretty good, and that i'm driving like a guy - girls are believed to be all over the road and slam the breaks at the last minute.. which i don't do. i mess up other stuff - like stopping earlier then necessary. but really the worst thing is parking backwards. and the second part of the test to take is maneuvrability - i have to park twice (once backwards) without hitting any cones.
SMILE = Seatbelt Mirrors Ignition Lights Eyeglasses
i have to adjust everything after Mike.. and he has to adjust everything back because he just doesn't fit in the driver's seat when it's adjusted to me :D like the wheel is in his mouth :D:D:D
so much about driving for now.
now what were we doing on saturday? well you can see for yourself!
you can check the date and time of photos - they were taken minutes apart - so yes Michael was vacuuming while i was playing world of war craft. ok ok i'm not that terrible - i cleaned both birds' cages on friday which was an incredible deed for me :D and somebody had to vacuum after... i hate vacuuming. and the vacuum cleaner is heavy for me (that's a lie but shhhh).
then we went to have a dinner at "Steak'n'sheak":
i liked the place and their food was great. i had a milkshake afterwards and mmmmmmmm it was so good...
then we went to a movie thater across the street. it was different than the ones in Armenia - there was a corridor with doors above which the names of the movies were lit up. every room was approximately of the size of small hall of Nairi cinema.
We went to see Star Trek and it was very very good. we are thinking of watching the old Star Trek show now :)
this is when we went to Michael's parents. they are staying with Janet and Erik now. Mike's mom told us that they have a new pet - a turtle. they just saw a turtle walking down the street and it almost got hit by a car! they picked it up and are trying to find the owners. we went to their backyard to see the turtle and oh god! it was huge!
then i stayed in the backyard to take some photos:

i don't like this one. it was the best from the bunch but if you want to see a really good photo of dandelion go to Mary's photostream:

this is one of her best shots!
when i walked around the house to actually go inside i saw Tess. he decided to run away from my camera but it never happened:

yes very smart
and some photos from the front yard:
Eric with cones
the cones are for me - to practice maneuvrability.
then we came home but i felt like taking more photos. so i went to the Garfield park. sometimes you don't know what you're going to shoot and have no specific purpose. and it's never disappointing - there is always something to take photos of :D
this time it was.. birds. i'm so used to sparrows and wild pigeons, and ravens at maximum. here there are all kinds of birds all around:
the birds were too far and i don't have a powerful zoom... yet! hehe i'll get a new lense eventually..
there were geese with their chicks! i couldn't get closer because the parents started hissing at me :(
they decided to cross the road
the cars stopped and waited
these happens all over the place - geese constantly stand in the middle of the road - they know they won't be hit and that cars will stop in front of them. they feel so good about it.
anyway. then i decided to take photos of some ducks. they were a bit far. suddenly i heard some noise behind. i turned.. and there was another pair of ducks. the boy got interested in my camera. he walked really close and inspected my gear.
my cam setting were too light but i forgot about everything and was shooting the duck while i had the oportunity. i tried fixing images later but oh well. when a photo is over-exposed, there is practically nothing you can do about it :(
and then i was shooting seagulls in the flight:

it was such a nice day... now everything's green and the weather is warm.
some guy was fishing in the park...
...but he wasn't the only one fishing
okay i think this post was too long and i overused photos here... i need to learn to make smaller post and blog more often.
that CAT ! - I have no words !!!
It's like a shot from a wild nature ! it's great !!!
haha yeah when i looked at the result on the cam screen i was surprised not less :D
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