Sometimes you are afraid of its run, it never waits, never stops, what is gone is gone, you'll never return even a nanosecond.
Sometimes you want it to fly by, you want to skip some space of it, it seems that time is frozen or at best it crawls.
Time is life. Everything has its place there, every age has its fun. No need to be afraid of the run and no need to rush forward. You can't change yesterday, but you can ruin today by worrying too much about the future. Time will dot all "i"s and cross all "t"s.
Even when you still want to stop the time, you don't want this moment to pass by, just keep in mind that new moments will come. No need to spend this very precious moment in worries about its getting away.
Even when you still want it to be a certain period in the future, you'll still have to live in between. It's up to you to live it so that later you won't regret wasting time on doing nothing but waiting it to go by.
(to be continued and/or edited)
“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
“The time is always right to do what is right.”
Martin Luther King, Jr
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.”
Albert Einstein
“Lost time is never found again.”
Benjamin Franklin
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