A teacher of English was ill and a teacher of mathematics replaced him. He began to compose a table of irregular verbs:

Then he said:
- Okay, I mark this form as x . Then it’s possible to compose the proportion:

At a geometry lesson a teacher asks to represent the shortest distance between the two points A and B on a blackboard:

The teacher asks:
- Johnny, who taught you this ?
- My father, he is a taxi driver.
At a mathematics exam a professor asks a student to calculate the limit:

The professor is surprised:
- What is it ? Why ?
The student answers:
- You explained at your lecture that

and I have used this example.
A teacher of mathematics writes an equation on a blackboard and calls a pupil:
- Billy, find x please.
- I have found, here it is! – the pupil answers and shows to x with a finger.
The shortest telegrams in a history
German mathematician Dirichlet was very taciturn. When his son was born, he sent to his father-in-law the following telegram: “2 +1 = 3”. Maybe it’s one of the shortest telegrams in the history. But the shortest telegram conversation ever was between Oscar Wilde and his publisher regarding his new book. O. Wilde wired the single character “?” and received from his publisher the reply: “!”.
In the middle of the XX century Russia was a country, where all people knew mathematics perfectly. In 1965 one newspaper wrote: ”Do you know that a cost of 0.25 liter of vodka, raised to the power, equal to a cost of 0.5 liter of vodka is the number p with accuracy of three first digits ?”. You can convince in this fact yourself, if to consider that a bottle of 0.25 liter of vodka cost 1.49 ruble, and a bottle of 0.5 liter of vodka cost 2.87 ruble in 1965. Check!
1 comment:
:D I really enjoyed those. Funny things. The sideways 5 was about the best.
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