I've been pretty tired of photography lately as you know and I had my reasons for it. One of them being the excessive amount of "photographers". For some reason people think if they get an expensive DSLR that will make them a pro photographer. If the photos are still bad they will spend more money on buying lenses, filters, lights and god only knows what. Eventually they will take classes get a piece of paper saying that they took photography and some professor of photography (already sounds funny) taught them everything. Oh but it gets better. The photo is still bad? That's fine.. let's just turn it into black and white that will make it artistic and fix everything. No? Not enough? Eh no problem there are all kinds of effects - soft focus, focal b&w, tilt, tint, sharpen,... add a couple words by a famous writer or something in a pretty font, and so on. Well a 6-year can do that too. Oh another thing - if a photo is super crappy it can be classified as abstract and "you just don't understand it. this is how i felt. bla bla".
(My camera is peeking at me from behind the monitor with a sad eye.)
Anyway the point is... look at your photos. be truthful at least with yourself. are you a photographer? are you? maybe it's just a hobby for you?
I've seen photos of real photographers and well they were breathtaking amazing and memorable. And I've seen really crappy ones. It's just not fair that they are called the same. And flickr unfortunately is full of mostly the bad kind. (mostly)
So I'm thinking about starting a group called "i'm not a photographer" for those who *love* taking photos don't care about what others say or whether or not the photography is gonna make them money. for those who try their best to capture a moment in time but who are also truthful and not full of themselves. Sounds like a lot of work... I'll think about it for a couple days before i rush into it.
And now maybe I'll go take some shots.. it's first snow you know.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
"Castle Ninja"
I feel like I should make a bit longer post about this project than just a couple words on facebook especially since some people aren't using FB.
Me and Michael are working on a video game - it's quite a big project even for a small game. The game is for Xbox and after we are finished anyone can find it on xbox market place under Indie games.
Since there are only 2 people working on it one of us had to do the graphics... which is me. And Mike is doing all the programming part which I would gladly share but he can't share the graphics part so it will be a big waste of time for now, for this game.
Anyway.. it's a puzzle game where you have to collect diamonds which are all over the screen. however you have to avoid being hit by canon balls and can push a brick block in front of the canon in order to do so. There are gonna be 20 levels and level design is gonna radically change after each 4 levels.
Needless to say I've never done such a thing in my life - I stayed pretty far from "designing" stuff and mostly worked on pre-made images. or at most made some buttons and small design elements for websites. but doing a game from a scratch? opening a white paper and creating things from nothing? that seemed challenging.
But that was only smaller part. What really was a challenge was animating the ninja - making him walk, jumping happily at completion of the level, or making him disappear ina cloud of smoke. I NEVER did any work related to animation. Moreover I didn't even know the first thing about it :)) And I know that the civilized way of making an animation is in software designed for that. at very least i should've done it in some program that's good with vectors like corel draw or illustrator. but i went the barbarian way and did it all in photoshop :)) i figured at least i know that piece of software like the back of my head and to save some time will start there (and finish as it turned out).
I only had to do pictures for every frame of animation - the rest Mike did in code. So for example ninja walking to the right meant 3 images - 2 of him stepping with each foot and 1 in between. That was... interesting lol. Now I know what choreoanimators have to deal with. no offense but it's kind of dull and boring - i enjoyed designing levels a lot more.
Level-wise the sets are plains, forest, snowy mountain, volcano, castle. The only remaining is the forest but for that I have to wait to get actual puzzles from Mike as what I'm planning to do is gonna be individual for each level I think. The rest is easy - i just apply the designs I made to puzzles he wants.
My estimate is that we're gonna be done in a month or so. Even though we are pretty close on finishing the actual game there is a lot of polish that I'd like to add - stuff like fish jumping out of water, birds flying around in the forest and so on - just little decorative animations here and there to make it look finished and more lively. And of course the end-game clip - which is what I'm currently working on. It's really a lot of work... After this I'm gonna get a studio designed to make games and learn it and maybe even take a class or two on animation graphics.
The other exciting thing is that we're going to make the game work not only on xbox but also on iphone, droid, and obviously windows.
After this is done, we will take a little break to give me time to learn the animation studio and we will make a much smaller and simpler game graphic-wise - something like "lines".
Anyway. Here's the facebook album with game graphics http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=59095&id=1073925241&l=ee1db8c5f9
I really don't feel like reposting the photos here :)
I'll probably be making another post pretty soon as I have some things to say well to rant about :)) but it will be too long and a bit out of place for this post. But really what I should do now is close this tab and get on working :))
P.S. I have nothing to do with the game name or even the idea lol
Me and Michael are working on a video game - it's quite a big project even for a small game. The game is for Xbox and after we are finished anyone can find it on xbox market place under Indie games.
Since there are only 2 people working on it one of us had to do the graphics... which is me. And Mike is doing all the programming part which I would gladly share but he can't share the graphics part so it will be a big waste of time for now, for this game.
Anyway.. it's a puzzle game where you have to collect diamonds which are all over the screen. however you have to avoid being hit by canon balls and can push a brick block in front of the canon in order to do so. There are gonna be 20 levels and level design is gonna radically change after each 4 levels.
Needless to say I've never done such a thing in my life - I stayed pretty far from "designing" stuff and mostly worked on pre-made images. or at most made some buttons and small design elements for websites. but doing a game from a scratch? opening a white paper and creating things from nothing? that seemed challenging.
But that was only smaller part. What really was a challenge was animating the ninja - making him walk, jumping happily at completion of the level, or making him disappear ina cloud of smoke. I NEVER did any work related to animation. Moreover I didn't even know the first thing about it :)) And I know that the civilized way of making an animation is in software designed for that. at very least i should've done it in some program that's good with vectors like corel draw or illustrator. but i went the barbarian way and did it all in photoshop :)) i figured at least i know that piece of software like the back of my head and to save some time will start there (and finish as it turned out).
I only had to do pictures for every frame of animation - the rest Mike did in code. So for example ninja walking to the right meant 3 images - 2 of him stepping with each foot and 1 in between. That was... interesting lol. Now I know what choreoanimators have to deal with. no offense but it's kind of dull and boring - i enjoyed designing levels a lot more.
Level-wise the sets are plains, forest, snowy mountain, volcano, castle. The only remaining is the forest but for that I have to wait to get actual puzzles from Mike as what I'm planning to do is gonna be individual for each level I think. The rest is easy - i just apply the designs I made to puzzles he wants.
My estimate is that we're gonna be done in a month or so. Even though we are pretty close on finishing the actual game there is a lot of polish that I'd like to add - stuff like fish jumping out of water, birds flying around in the forest and so on - just little decorative animations here and there to make it look finished and more lively. And of course the end-game clip - which is what I'm currently working on. It's really a lot of work... After this I'm gonna get a studio designed to make games and learn it and maybe even take a class or two on animation graphics.
The other exciting thing is that we're going to make the game work not only on xbox but also on iphone, droid, and obviously windows.
After this is done, we will take a little break to give me time to learn the animation studio and we will make a much smaller and simpler game graphic-wise - something like "lines".
Anyway. Here's the facebook album with game graphics http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=59095&id=1073925241&l=ee1db8c5f9
I really don't feel like reposting the photos here :)
I'll probably be making another post pretty soon as I have some things to say well to rant about :)) but it will be too long and a bit out of place for this post. But really what I should do now is close this tab and get on working :))
P.S. I have nothing to do with the game name or even the idea lol
Friday, April 9, 2010
Alright, time to summon it all up.
I just got my red belt with black stripe (which is the one before black belt) today as russians would say for "beautiful eyes" - no exam no nothing, just trying to do my best at each training. It's just so weird. In the first place i started doing taekwondo after such a looooong break of what 6 years? and i've gone for what 1-2 months? and i get a belt? that feels like i've cheated or something.. i remember how much of a big deal it was at home - exams were once every 10 months, and that meant 2-3 months before that we were in loooong trainings of perfecting our skills and doing poomsaes so many times that i swear if you woke me up at night and said do the 5th one i would do it. it just was part of me, giant part of my life. my test for a red belt lasted about 40 minutes of just me performing i don't know jumping spinning hook kicks, all the poomsaes until appropriate level, some stretching i think and some physicals, and stuff like what do you call palm in korean, which part of the hand do you perform this strike with etc... Now this just feels like a gift. Especially because of the way i got in the whole thing in the first place...
i was just sitting at home talking to my mom and Steve messaged me saying "hey i'm going to a taekwondo class. you said you did it before. would you like to come with me and see?" and just like a tiny sparkle can make a giant fire i got all excited and instantly decided not to just "go see" but to start doing it again. of course first training was horrible and i felt so bad for loosing my flexibility and some accuracy, skills. so to myself i decided "oh. i should either be demoted or i don't get a belt in a year at least...". and well i thought oh i'll just go for fun, not put too much into it, just light training-work out kind of thing. which turned to be a complete lie because i can't give less than 100% to something i'm passionate about. so here i am staring at the belt i just got and considering actually joining the local tournament. and it's so surreal to me. i thought those times were over and i moved on - got my BA in programming, work experience, got a different hobby - photography and well that was gonna be it for martial arts. i tried doing tai chi for a month while i was still going to university but i was too busy and tired by the end of the day to invest time into a potential hobby. it just feels weird and i get excited like a child and can't talk about anything else after the training. well though i often behave "not age appropriately" :)) by armenian standards.
anyway back to the getting the belt. in fairness i never had my 4th exam - i quit after wearing my red belt for a while which of course pissed my instructor... and well my current teacher knows better :) he's certified with Kukiwon (it's like korean version of Shaolin temple) and trained/trains USA Olympic team (yes he is that great :)) ). it's just a big change for me. the swiftness of things happening startles me a bit but i do like it :)).
and i especially like that we also work on self-defense stuff and hand technique and weapons. my hands were so useless and i felt like i was missing out on something big and felt uncomfortable with that. if i am to go in for something i need to know all the details, all the sides, or it will keep bugging me. i think this was one of the best decisions i ever made - to get back into martial arts. makes me happy, makes me feel harmony, i don't feel like i'm lacking movement any more, i don't feel bothered by spending so much time in front of the computer, just in general this gave me a big boost, and keeps me in good spirits. not that i am in bad spirits most of the time :)) but this way i can channel my energy and then feel like it didn't go to waste (yes yes energy is never wasted it changes from kinetic to potential etc but you know what i mean).
haha at first i wanted to just right a wall post on facebook but then felt like it would be a little bit too long for that. i'm gonna wrap up here and go see what my guild is up to in warcraft. that's another thing that has ben going really good lately. i guess what i'm trying to say is life is gooood! and while i was typing it Michael offered to have a glass of cognac (Armenian of course). Yes. Life is good. :D
I just got my red belt with black stripe (which is the one before black belt) today as russians would say for "beautiful eyes" - no exam no nothing, just trying to do my best at each training. It's just so weird. In the first place i started doing taekwondo after such a looooong break of what 6 years? and i've gone for what 1-2 months? and i get a belt? that feels like i've cheated or something.. i remember how much of a big deal it was at home - exams were once every 10 months, and that meant 2-3 months before that we were in loooong trainings of perfecting our skills and doing poomsaes so many times that i swear if you woke me up at night and said do the 5th one i would do it. it just was part of me, giant part of my life. my test for a red belt lasted about 40 minutes of just me performing i don't know jumping spinning hook kicks, all the poomsaes until appropriate level, some stretching i think and some physicals, and stuff like what do you call palm in korean, which part of the hand do you perform this strike with etc... Now this just feels like a gift. Especially because of the way i got in the whole thing in the first place...
i was just sitting at home talking to my mom and Steve messaged me saying "hey i'm going to a taekwondo class. you said you did it before. would you like to come with me and see?" and just like a tiny sparkle can make a giant fire i got all excited and instantly decided not to just "go see" but to start doing it again. of course first training was horrible and i felt so bad for loosing my flexibility and some accuracy, skills. so to myself i decided "oh. i should either be demoted or i don't get a belt in a year at least...". and well i thought oh i'll just go for fun, not put too much into it, just light training-work out kind of thing. which turned to be a complete lie because i can't give less than 100% to something i'm passionate about. so here i am staring at the belt i just got and considering actually joining the local tournament. and it's so surreal to me. i thought those times were over and i moved on - got my BA in programming, work experience, got a different hobby - photography and well that was gonna be it for martial arts. i tried doing tai chi for a month while i was still going to university but i was too busy and tired by the end of the day to invest time into a potential hobby. it just feels weird and i get excited like a child and can't talk about anything else after the training. well though i often behave "not age appropriately" :)) by armenian standards.
anyway back to the getting the belt. in fairness i never had my 4th exam - i quit after wearing my red belt for a while which of course pissed my instructor... and well my current teacher knows better :) he's certified with Kukiwon (it's like korean version of Shaolin temple) and trained/trains USA Olympic team (yes he is that great :)) ). it's just a big change for me. the swiftness of things happening startles me a bit but i do like it :)).
and i especially like that we also work on self-defense stuff and hand technique and weapons. my hands were so useless and i felt like i was missing out on something big and felt uncomfortable with that. if i am to go in for something i need to know all the details, all the sides, or it will keep bugging me. i think this was one of the best decisions i ever made - to get back into martial arts. makes me happy, makes me feel harmony, i don't feel like i'm lacking movement any more, i don't feel bothered by spending so much time in front of the computer, just in general this gave me a big boost, and keeps me in good spirits. not that i am in bad spirits most of the time :)) but this way i can channel my energy and then feel like it didn't go to waste (yes yes energy is never wasted it changes from kinetic to potential etc but you know what i mean).
haha at first i wanted to just right a wall post on facebook but then felt like it would be a little bit too long for that. i'm gonna wrap up here and go see what my guild is up to in warcraft. that's another thing that has ben going really good lately. i guess what i'm trying to say is life is gooood! and while i was typing it Michael offered to have a glass of cognac (Armenian of course). Yes. Life is good. :D
Sunday, April 4, 2010
"Rashomon" and a night out
Today we went out with some people from the taekwondo group to see a film by Kurosawa and then were to go to a Korean restaurant later. I didn't know much about the film - just knew it was by Kurosawa. the title sounded awfully familiar but i couldn't understand why. "Rashomon". The film was in black and white and with English subtitles. In 10 minutes or so i saw a man and a lady walking through woods and thought of them as man and a wife. Then I wondered "wait! they never said they were married... why am i so sure they are? somehow i know they are though.." a bit later i started forcasting what was gonna happen and when it did go the way i thought it dawned on me. It was based on Akutagawa's short story "Rashomon". Rashomon gates! Then I got confused. I was absolutely sure the story was called something else but he also had a "Rashomon" story. I just looked it up on Wiki and yes sure enough the story is mostly from "In the groove". Kurosawa kind of joined the too. Here's a link Rashomon.
Akutagawa was one of my favorite writers, his stories were so .. different and kind of unexpected. I remember I liked "the nose", "spiderweb" (i think it's what it was called...), something about hell.. there was a painter who had a daughter and there was a bad king... i remember that one so well but can't remember the name.
Anyway. The other AMAZING thing is i looked through the films they were showing and one of the was "Parajanov. Requiem"!!! That's unbelievable. And should i ask why that one and not "Colors of pomegranates" but oh well. I seriously can't believe that here in Cleveland art university they are showing a film by an Armenian film-maker. I can't! Unfortunately i missed it - it was in the beginning of march but oh well i have on dvd anyway lol.
and the dinner was fun. it's the first time i had korean food and it was good. here are some photos i took. if anyone needs those in bigger size just let me know :)

the rest is here:
off to Bumpers to drink some rum and coke :))
Akutagawa was one of my favorite writers, his stories were so .. different and kind of unexpected. I remember I liked "the nose", "spiderweb" (i think it's what it was called...), something about hell.. there was a painter who had a daughter and there was a bad king... i remember that one so well but can't remember the name.
Anyway. The other AMAZING thing is i looked through the films they were showing and one of the was "Parajanov. Requiem"!!! That's unbelievable. And should i ask why that one and not "Colors of pomegranates" but oh well. I seriously can't believe that here in Cleveland art university they are showing a film by an Armenian film-maker. I can't! Unfortunately i missed it - it was in the beginning of march but oh well i have on dvd anyway lol.
and the dinner was fun. it's the first time i had korean food and it was good. here are some photos i took. if anyone needs those in bigger size just let me know :)

the rest is here:
![]() |
Think Happy Be Happy |
off to Bumpers to drink some rum and coke :))
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I don't get it
I don't understand why here in America people put month/day/year for date instead of day/month/year. it just messes with my mind! it's so illogical! it's like russian dolls - day contained in month contained in year. if you don't like that comparison think of databases where for some interesting reason is how it's stored. i wonder why. Also, notice how you put the year at the end? it's because people tend to know what year it is now. also people tend to know what month it is, just are not sure on the exact day. ugh i just rest my case.
well i guess i won't get it as much as i don't understand why america holds on to hmmm what's it's called? their system of measurement? does it have a name even? instead of using such simple metric system. you don't have to memorize anything in metric system everything is a degree of 10. that's it! that simple! and names are intuitive - decimeter - 0.1 of meter, kilometer = 1000 meter etc. what's even funnier is that in American system the smallest measurement is an inch (=2.54cm or 25.4mm) however when you buy cigarettes they ask which ones? 100s? 100s means 100mm long cigarette. how funny that for such a simple thing people use metric here. well i guess they couldn't say 3.937007874015748 inch long cigarettes :)))
Well and here's a map of countries who don't use metric system:

i'm complaining because i so don't want to deal with.. what's it's name.. american measurement system. every time i have to use my phone converter or google converter to find out what's going on. it's really annoying especially for me who is horrible with memorizing stuff. I bet historians will love the american system of measurement - no logical algorithm - just learn by heart.
i should correct myself though it's the Brits' fault. but they apparently switched to metric :)) it's just so wrong to measure something in some diseased king's foot size. let me get this straight - every time a new king was elected (not elected but you know what i mean) did the measurement change? or they still used the One king's foot size? Also people's feet tend to grow.. so when they agreed on measurement did they specify king's age when his foot was measured or changed the measurement slightly in say every 10 years?
wow i guess i reached the boiling point with this issue. i was just posting a photo on facebook and when i put date on it i added (dd/mm/yyyy) not to make it too confusing for Americans. adding that little remark made me mad i guess lol.
well i guess i won't get it as much as i don't understand why america holds on to hmmm what's it's called? their system of measurement? does it have a name even? instead of using such simple metric system. you don't have to memorize anything in metric system everything is a degree of 10. that's it! that simple! and names are intuitive - decimeter - 0.1 of meter, kilometer = 1000 meter etc. what's even funnier is that in American system the smallest measurement is an inch (=2.54cm or 25.4mm) however when you buy cigarettes they ask which ones? 100s? 100s means 100mm long cigarette. how funny that for such a simple thing people use metric here. well i guess they couldn't say 3.937007874015748 inch long cigarettes :)))
Well and here's a map of countries who don't use metric system:

i'm complaining because i so don't want to deal with.. what's it's name.. american measurement system. every time i have to use my phone converter or google converter to find out what's going on. it's really annoying especially for me who is horrible with memorizing stuff. I bet historians will love the american system of measurement - no logical algorithm - just learn by heart.
i should correct myself though it's the Brits' fault. but they apparently switched to metric :)) it's just so wrong to measure something in some diseased king's foot size. let me get this straight - every time a new king was elected (not elected but you know what i mean) did the measurement change? or they still used the One king's foot size? Also people's feet tend to grow.. so when they agreed on measurement did they specify king's age when his foot was measured or changed the measurement slightly in say every 10 years?
wow i guess i reached the boiling point with this issue. i was just posting a photo on facebook and when i put date on it i added (dd/mm/yyyy) not to make it too confusing for Americans. adding that little remark made me mad i guess lol.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
one fun night...
It's kind of funny. I was going to post today because I had something to say and Somebody asked me about this blog just today. this blog has undergone many changes and not only design-wise. it served me for different purposes and the contents kept changing. Right now it was turning into a too much family-oriented so that instead of telling people the same story over and over they would just go to my blog illustrated with some photos and find out for themselves. that by the way doesn't really work as people want to find out from you not from a web-page...
anyways. we went to the Irish pub tonight. I had very good reminiscences and memories from the last time so I tried getting all the people that were there last time together again and at the same place hoping it will be just like that time... Of course like Woland said "it will never happen like it happened before" which is true - this time was different but not less fun!
At first there were 7 of us - me, Michael, 3 of my childhood friends, 2 friends from work. Then more and more people kept showing up to see us... even people I never met before :))) just somebody would come with a friend of theirs or who would know somebody else in the company. The waitress had to join a second table to fit all of our company... that was quite an international company should i tell you. an american, armenians, an english-man, italian girl, we even managed to talk to some belgians... it was one big mix of people some of who barely knew each other but exchanged contact information very soon after exchanging some words. What only didn't we talk about - from flights to soccer, from politics to music, stories from people's lives and so much more. And of course add to that a lot of jokes and some alcohol. Michael said later was it in america a lot of people would be wasted which didn't happen there at all.
Now imagine this:
you walk into a bar you don't like but you are with your best friends. You complain about the bar but decide to stay. by the end of the night ask yourself "did you have fun" the answer will be yes. did you like the bar? no. did it matter? no.
During many things said it was discussed where it's better to live and be happier or more satisfied with things. To that i have a very definite answer - you can be happy anywhere in the world! It does not matter where you live because all countries have different problems of different scale and the grass is always greener on the neighbor's side of the fence. it's not about "where" it's about "with who". the moral of that little story is you can BE happy anywhere. Happiness comes from within, it depends greatly on how self-sufficient you are. even if you live in a country you don't like you can find little things that make you happy throughout the day, spend time with people you like hanging out with, and find joy in simple things. of course, the stress will always be there. sometimes things will happen and completely piss you off but that's a good thing for you feel very strongly about something, you are not indifferent, you care and that's good.
When people want to live Armenia thinking they will have a better life somewhere else it's very sad because they won't. They will find things about the new country that they don't like, start complaining about those, and then start crying about how great everything was in Armenia and how much they miss it. and well if they miss it so much they can always go back right? i was happy in armenia. very happy. yes i wanted to leave for europe or america to do my master's there but i think that's not the same as when people just think that America or Europe is some kind of heaven where people are waiting for them with open arms. and i'm happy in America as well. yes i miss home - my friends, my life here, the city, and a lot of other things but i'm not unhappy in america. i think people kind of purposely look for the bad things to have something to complain about and are unhappy. well they will be unhappy anywhere in the world no matter where they'll go. it's good to notice the bad stuff - not only to notice but also to try to do something about it, but one should also see what's good about a country and appreciate it.
the post deviated from the original idea but oh well. a lot of immigrants or immigrant-wanna-bes are that way no matter from what country. then they act like they have no choice and can do nothing about it. well if they really wanted to i think they'd find a way out and change their lives. i do realize it gets harder and harder with age and probably this whole post sounds a little bit silly and the reader will think "ah you are young, the life hasn't beaten you up yet". well that may be. maybe i'll change my mind in 50 years but maybe i won't. time will show :)
anyways. we went to the Irish pub tonight. I had very good reminiscences and memories from the last time so I tried getting all the people that were there last time together again and at the same place hoping it will be just like that time... Of course like Woland said "it will never happen like it happened before" which is true - this time was different but not less fun!
At first there were 7 of us - me, Michael, 3 of my childhood friends, 2 friends from work. Then more and more people kept showing up to see us... even people I never met before :))) just somebody would come with a friend of theirs or who would know somebody else in the company. The waitress had to join a second table to fit all of our company... that was quite an international company should i tell you. an american, armenians, an english-man, italian girl, we even managed to talk to some belgians... it was one big mix of people some of who barely knew each other but exchanged contact information very soon after exchanging some words. What only didn't we talk about - from flights to soccer, from politics to music, stories from people's lives and so much more. And of course add to that a lot of jokes and some alcohol. Michael said later was it in america a lot of people would be wasted which didn't happen there at all.
Now imagine this:
you walk into a bar you don't like but you are with your best friends. You complain about the bar but decide to stay. by the end of the night ask yourself "did you have fun" the answer will be yes. did you like the bar? no. did it matter? no.
During many things said it was discussed where it's better to live and be happier or more satisfied with things. To that i have a very definite answer - you can be happy anywhere in the world! It does not matter where you live because all countries have different problems of different scale and the grass is always greener on the neighbor's side of the fence. it's not about "where" it's about "with who". the moral of that little story is you can BE happy anywhere. Happiness comes from within, it depends greatly on how self-sufficient you are. even if you live in a country you don't like you can find little things that make you happy throughout the day, spend time with people you like hanging out with, and find joy in simple things. of course, the stress will always be there. sometimes things will happen and completely piss you off but that's a good thing for you feel very strongly about something, you are not indifferent, you care and that's good.
When people want to live Armenia thinking they will have a better life somewhere else it's very sad because they won't. They will find things about the new country that they don't like, start complaining about those, and then start crying about how great everything was in Armenia and how much they miss it. and well if they miss it so much they can always go back right? i was happy in armenia. very happy. yes i wanted to leave for europe or america to do my master's there but i think that's not the same as when people just think that America or Europe is some kind of heaven where people are waiting for them with open arms. and i'm happy in America as well. yes i miss home - my friends, my life here, the city, and a lot of other things but i'm not unhappy in america. i think people kind of purposely look for the bad things to have something to complain about and are unhappy. well they will be unhappy anywhere in the world no matter where they'll go. it's good to notice the bad stuff - not only to notice but also to try to do something about it, but one should also see what's good about a country and appreciate it.
the post deviated from the original idea but oh well. a lot of immigrants or immigrant-wanna-bes are that way no matter from what country. then they act like they have no choice and can do nothing about it. well if they really wanted to i think they'd find a way out and change their lives. i do realize it gets harder and harder with age and probably this whole post sounds a little bit silly and the reader will think "ah you are young, the life hasn't beaten you up yet". well that may be. maybe i'll change my mind in 50 years but maybe i won't. time will show :)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
my office, and a black surprise!
The living room has changed quite a bit - we got a new couch and an awesome lamp - but that will come later. For now I want to let you take a peek at my study.
starts with a reproduction of Dali on the door. Then we open it.

my computer corner to work. i got a website project from Dolbey which is due to feb 28. i have to do the design too.. which is ready. Anyways :))

that's where i work. a red rose, a cup of coffee, awesome beast printer from my mom, books, and photo stuff of course.

and a recreational corner - books, pirate stuff, and a place to crash after work :)) yes that's the footon we moved ;)

and that's to the right from the door - a closet to store all my craft stuff, halloween and christmas decorations and just what not!
and now the black surprise, Sparkle by the name!

We got a cat! She's 3 months old, NOT declawed, spayed, and absolutely black with bright green eyes. The photo isn't that good as i didn't want to torture with all that on the first day, so consider this just an illustration. She's fluffy and skinny. Curious by the character and playful. A bit shy but that will go away. We adopted her today from Humaine Society (adopted means payed 100$..) i'm so excited :)) yes we have birds, they'll be fine - she's not interested in birds at all. And i always have a bottle of water to spray her with if something.
starts with a reproduction of Dali on the door. Then we open it.
my computer corner to work. i got a website project from Dolbey which is due to feb 28. i have to do the design too.. which is ready. Anyways :))
that's where i work. a red rose, a cup of coffee, awesome beast printer from my mom, books, and photo stuff of course.
and a recreational corner - books, pirate stuff, and a place to crash after work :)) yes that's the footon we moved ;)
and that's to the right from the door - a closet to store all my craft stuff, halloween and christmas decorations and just what not!
and now the black surprise, Sparkle by the name!
We got a cat! She's 3 months old, NOT declawed, spayed, and absolutely black with bright green eyes. The photo isn't that good as i didn't want to torture with all that on the first day, so consider this just an illustration. She's fluffy and skinny. Curious by the character and playful. A bit shy but that will go away. We adopted her today from Humaine Society (adopted means payed 100$..) i'm so excited :)) yes we have birds, they'll be fine - she's not interested in birds at all. And i always have a bottle of water to spray her with if something.
Friday, January 8, 2010
"good" morning
some people on facebook complain that there is only a "like" button and no "dislike". Well I'm gonna say you can't say "bad morning" you only say "good morning".
Here's what I plan to do today:
a) haircare
b) paint my nails
c) upgrade my flickr account to pro
d) install dreamweaver and web servers on virtual machine
e) coffee
f) turn the web-page into html
g) feed the birds
h) feed myself
i) take a photo of the rose on black background
j) photoshop several photos
k) update my flickr page
l) coffee
m) hiss at Mike when he comes home late (because he will come home late)
n) dinner & movie
o) check mail
p) go see Mike's dad
q) do the walrus daily quests on WOW
r) clean up a little bit
s) not kill the feathery quark-machines
t) chat with mom and friends
u) take my ID with me before going out
v) "Bumpers" bar
w) alcohol
x) coffee
y) wake mom up with a text message
z) finish this stupid post
now please note that being nice to people wasn't on the list and if you can't stomach Irina-meanny-ness shun me today.
point b) can't find my favorite nail polish. must have lost it while moving. awesome.
c) flickr refuses to accept visa card information. yay!
d) adobe disk that Mike took to work is still there. luckily for him i found dreamweaver 8 with a keygen on my drive.
done for now.
Here's what I plan to do today:
a) haircare
b) paint my nails
c) upgrade my flickr account to pro
d) install dreamweaver and web servers on virtual machine
e) coffee
f) turn the web-page into html
g) feed the birds
h) feed myself
i) take a photo of the rose on black background
j) photoshop several photos
k) update my flickr page
l) coffee
m) hiss at Mike when he comes home late (because he will come home late)
n) dinner & movie
o) check mail
p) go see Mike's dad
q) do the walrus daily quests on WOW
r) clean up a little bit
s) not kill the feathery quark-machines
t) chat with mom and friends
u) take my ID with me before going out
v) "Bumpers" bar
w) alcohol
x) coffee
y) wake mom up with a text message
z) finish this stupid post
now please note that being nice to people wasn't on the list and if you can't stomach Irina-meanny-ness shun me today.
point b) can't find my favorite nail polish. must have lost it while moving. awesome.
c) flickr refuses to accept visa card information. yay!
d) adobe disk that Mike took to work is still there. luckily for him i found dreamweaver 8 with a keygen on my drive.
done for now.
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