Friday, January 8, 2010

"good" morning

some people on facebook complain that there is only a "like" button and no "dislike". Well I'm gonna say you can't say "bad morning" you only say "good morning".

Here's what I plan to do today:

a) haircare
b) paint my nails
c) upgrade my flickr account to pro
d) install dreamweaver and web servers on virtual machine
e) coffee
f) turn the web-page into html
g) feed the birds
h) feed myself
i) take a photo of the rose on black background
j) photoshop several photos
k) update my flickr page
l) coffee
m) hiss at Mike when he comes home late (because he will come home late)
n) dinner & movie
o) check mail
p) go see Mike's dad
q) do the walrus daily quests on WOW
r) clean up a little bit
s) not kill the feathery quark-machines
t) chat with mom and friends
u) take my ID with me before going out
v) "Bumpers" bar
w) alcohol
x) coffee
y) wake mom up with a text message
z) finish this stupid post

now please note that being nice to people wasn't on the list and if you can't stomach Irina-meanny-ness shun me today.

point b) can't find my favorite nail polish. must have lost it while moving. awesome.

c) flickr refuses to accept visa card information. yay!

d) adobe disk that Mike took to work is still there. luckily for him i found dreamweaver 8 with a keygen on my drive.

done for now.


Patrice said...

"Good morning" to you. Such a nice blog. Yes, I also have some friends or even myself complained why there is no "dislike" button on facebook. So funny, anyways we can post comments if we want to.

Irina D. said...

Hello Patrice :)

thank you for your comment.

of course you can comment instead. but you can also comment saying nice things. but when your comment is going to say something short like "oh cool" and there is no wish to add anything else you can simply click the button. whereas if you comment something laconic like "this sucks" people are going to start long threads either trying to find out why you didn't like it or why you are so mean to them and develop the 2 little words you posted into a war.

(this is an exaggeration lol)