now here is the other problem - there are shelves with books on photography and shelves with photo-magazines! and at first it kept startling me and i couldn't decide what i really want and how to choose from that at all! however with time i found out that good books are rare anyway and most of the books is for beginners or kind of intermediates. Authors fill the books with their portfolio photos (printed large of course) and there is basically not that much of a text in that big book... so i started looking at smaller and thinner books, or rather books not on photography but on some part of it - like composition, exposure, filters,... and most of them were great!
i think it's the same way with many subjects - programming being the other example. the majority of those thick books will give examples of code, exercises, detailed explanation,... and the authors consider that the readers are not only newbies but also are dumb. Michael can tell more on the subject :)) i have him instead of the book and the internet :D
speaking of which, he restarted teaching me programming. it's fun! i love both photography and programming, but what i especially like is switching between the two. that way once i get tired of any i can spend some time doing the other thing. oh and what's fun about him giving me homework is when i don't do it it's very easy to get away with it - i just give him kisses and make "big beautiful eyes" :D hahaha
OK, to the point... i don't know how it is with other people, but when i take several photos of the same thing i can't decide which i like the most later on! and it gets worse when i try using photoshop, combining images, creating "the best". before i was torturing mom, showing her all the variants and having her choose, now i'm torturing Michael sometimes. and the funny thing is they both usually chose the same picture as the best. but i feel like i need to be able to evaluate it all by myself - because showing several variants ruins the general photo impression...
for this and only time i will ask the audience which is the best?

and this series...

Yes, I agree that the majority of books are written for dumbs! But I am happy that I have found a good book which I am reading now. It's called "Web server with eyes of hacker" and it is written by russian author. I am happy that it is not for dumbs :)
And about photosets.
1) I like the 1st one
2) I like the 4th one
Ir, in my opinion among the first series the second picture is the best, and among the second series the first one is the best. May be I'm wrong, because I don't have those eyes of a professional photographer :))))
Hey hooy ! :)
don't you think the thick books with photos only are also helpful ?? as for me, almost all my design books are almost without text , BUT I have learnt really much out of them.
So, what concerns your photos: my choice is
in first series: 1st (it looks milder, softer => more romantic. can you get what I mean ?)
in second series: 2nd and 3rd (2nd looks somehow luxury, golden (1st one also makes the same effect, but it seems like it is more rude)), (the impression from the 3rd one is the same as in the first series choice).
Keep up experimenting !
oh, and try to be more hardworking in programming ;))))
to Alex: good for you! well you know on the other hand you feel really happy when you find a good book :D
and i am surprised! i thought you and Michael would like the second or third photo from the 1st series!
to Armine: Armin, me and you are in the minority - everybody likes the first picture from first photo set. i guess it's because we were born on the same day, so we like same things :D and it doesn't matter if you are a professional photographer or not! it's even better when you are not! because when i take a picture i want it to be liked by everybody, not just by professionals :D:D
to Mary: it's different for you as a designer - you look through works of several chosen designers and learn from there, but it's not like when you learn about how to program, or even with taking photos - you need to learn actual material.
and hehe don't worry i will be a good girl and will do my homework - i just like taking my time :D
For the photos:
1) I like the 2nd one.
2) I like the 3rd one.
yay! one more person for variant 2 from the first set! :D
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