Woke up and saw this outside of the window. I had a strange feeling when I walked out into the fog. Took a taxi as was being terribly late for the uni classes.. as usual in the mornings, because as usual I went to bed way too late... Looked back at the road and saw nothing. "Going into the future from the foggy nowhere",- thought I. Looked straight forward, saw nothing again. "Going from now into the foggy future." "Going from foggy past into the foggy future",- came to mind immediately,-"only n_o_w, this moment is one certainty and looks clear.. like the trees and the road nearby."
These photos were taken yesterday.. and yesterday was very much like today.

This is called "Sight into the foggy past". The opera house is far away and can hardly be seen because of the foggy curtain and the modern buildings. It's not the buildings that make me want to scream.. it's the mentality (that mutates day-by-day.. towards the worse I may say).

"Mom! mom! and what will happen tomorrow?"
What will this young mom answer? That tomorrow they will go buy new clothes? Or that tomorrow they will go to the concert of this or that pop-star?
"Mom! Dad! and what will happen the day after tomorrow?"
Probably, the day after tomorrow will be just like your today. But I wish you the opposite, young lady. Don't listen to the adults. Don't let the gray world inside. It's foggy but it's not the reason why it's so gray. The reason is in minds, in perspective, it's the world they create, it's the world they live in. Stay out of that kind of fog! "Your life is a canvas.. the colors are you."

"The dialog""Hey, have you seen this latest joke on the tv? :D you should!! Go watch it! ... Hayko... Mko... ha-ha-ha"
"Ehhh, old man. Today is so different from yesterday. Now everything is in fog."
Everybody has his/her 'personal' fog, why does everybody complain about the natural one? At least it can be beautiful...