As we all know smoking is a bad habit which results in cancer of lungs in some cases. People get addicted to it and sometimes have to go to special courses to get rid of this very bad habit which destroys not only the health of the smoker but also that of people nearby and also pollutes the surroundings. If a pregnant woman smokes it has a very bad influence on the development of the child. And there are many other reasons not to smoke. Also, smoking has no good effect; it’s a way of making money for tobacco industries. As a consequence people spend money on destroying their health. Knowing all this, each person should think twice before lighting up a cigarette.

But what if he lights up one? Forbid him? He’s addictive to it, he realizes how bad it all is but he feels the urge to smoke. And there are many people like this, especially those who carry out difficult mental work: programmers, engineers, scientists, mathematicians, etc. When they work and think hard, they need to go out and have a smoke, or smoke while thinking. If you forbid them to do that, it will affect their work, their character. And this is just one example. Smoking isn’t as bad as drinking Coke. So if people take care of their health they better stop drinking Coke and Pepsi and eating junk food because that can cause worse health problems.
Nobody makes anybody smoke. It’s the choice of each of us. Yes, but it’s also bad for other people you will say. Special rooms at the building and halls at the restaurants and cafes are a solution. Finally, the smoker can open the window. Will it pollute the atmosphere? Yes it will. OK, let’s forbid smoking, stop all factories, stop using cars, airplanes, spaceships etc. Smoking isn’t the main ecological problem, it is a minor compared to others.
Once I’ve heard one phrase said by a very smart professor at my university who is a doctor. He said “Smoking is one of the vestiges of the past, of the 20th century. It’s time to build a healthy (in 2 meanings) society.” He is absolutely right, but it’s not the vestige of the 20th century. Less people smoke from day to day but it’s still alive. Smoking should not be forbidden, just every individual should come to this himself, should understand that smoking is bad by himself not by reading it out on the pack of cigarettes or somewhere else. Restrictions only slow down the process of giving up on smoking because the forbidden fruit is sweet. And people in the entire world should know about the effects of smoking right from their birth. Education is very vital in such a question. Say “no” to smoking but let it be your “no”, don’t let it just be put into your mouth.
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