Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"Korcrac Yeraz" - "The dream that was lost"

papik: Dou der ches qnel? Che vor arden gisher e.
grandpa: Aren't you asleep yet? But it's already night.

aghchik: Papik. Ays grqum aynqan geghecik titerner kan. Du amen inch gites. Asa, vortegh en nranq aprum?
girl: Grandpa, there are such beautiful butterflies in this book! You know everything. Tell me where do they live?

papik: Qnir torniks. Hima ush e. Titerneri masin yes kpatmem vagh@. Bari gisher. Qnir. Qnir baliks.
grandpa: Sleep my little granddaughter. It's late now. About the butterflies I'll tell you tomorrow. Good night. Sleep, sleep my child.

aghchik: Isk du?
girl: What about you?

papik: Ehh torniks.. Yes cerutyunic korcrel em quns.
grandpa: Ehh my little granddaughter.. Because of my old age I've lost my sleep.

aghchik: Kheghj papik. Mite qun@ kareli e korcnel? Yete yes karoghanai gtnel ayn...
girl: Poor grandpa. Is it really possible to lose the sleep? If only I could find it...


aghchik: Inchu es lalis, cerouk?
girl: Why are crying, dear old man?

cerouk: Inch-vor mi ban skhal e.. Yes aprum em aystegh shat vaghuc, bayc shurjs vochinch chi poxvum. Yes hognel em.
old man: Something is wrong. I've lived here for ages but nothing around me ever changes. I'm so tired.

cerouk: Isk du ov es?
old man: And who're you?

aghchik: Yes?
girl: Me?

aghchik: Aghchik.
girl: A girl.

cerouk: Coucik? Isk inch e ayd?
old man: COUCIK*? And what is that?

aghchik: Ayd es em.
girl: That's me.

cerouk: Vorteghic dou yekar?
old man: Where did you come from?

aghchik: Yes yeka ayn senyakic. Ays nkar@ ayntegh e kaxvac.
girl: I came from that room. This picture is hanging there.

cerouk: Isk inchpes dou haytnvecir nkari mej?
old man: And how did you get into the picture?

aghchik: Indz ognecin titernikner@.
girl: The butterflies helped me.

cerouk: Ouremn du karogh es mtnel nkari mej.
Old man: So you can enter into the picture.

aghchik: Inchpes e vor kakhvac ays nkar@?
girl: How is this picture hanging here?

cerouk: Sa inch e?
old man: What is this?

aghchik: Sa? Nkar.
girl: This? A piucture.

cerouk: Gitem vor nkar e. Isk inchu ayntegh arev chka?
old man: I know that it's a picture. But why is there no sun there?

aghchik: Vorovhetev ayd nkarum gisher e.
girl: Because it's night in that picture.

cerouk: Gisher.. Da inch e?
old man: Night... What is that?

aghchik: Gisher@? Gisher@ arev@ mayr e mtnum, ev durs e galis lusin@. Gisher@.. Gisher@..
girl: Night? The sun sets at night, and the moon comes out. At night.. At night..

cerouk: Khndrum em.. tar indz ayntegh. Yes erbeq chem tesel gisher..
old man: Please.. take me there. I've never seen a night..

aghchik: Gnanq. Yes qez cuyc ktam gisherva hrashqner@.
girl: Let's go. I will show you the wonders of the night.

aghchik: Gisher@ erknqum astghern en shoghum. Tesnum es? Gisher@ tetev zov e ijnum erkri vra. tes, astgh e @nknum! shut-shut mi ban mtacir. anpayman kkatarvi.
girl: At night the stars glow in the sky. See? At night the light coolness covers the earth. Look, a star is falling! Quick-quick, think of something! It will come true for sure.

aghchik: vaay. Cerouk? Es oor korav? Ce-rouuk!
girl: VAAY**. Old man? Where is he gone? Old maaan!

aghchik: Bari gisher, cerouk.
girl: Good night, old man.

aghchik: Inch lav e vor ogneciq. Akh inchpes kareli e gtnel papikis qun@..
girl: It's so good that you helped me. Ahh how can I find my grandpa's sleep..

aghchik: Bari louys papik!
girl: Good morning grandpa!

aghchik: Bari erazner papikin, isk amen inchin ev dzez bolorid bari luys!!!
girl: Sweet dreams to grandpa, and to everything and to you every body, good morning!!!

* Coucik - this has a very lose meaning. Usually it means a small puppy, or a small puppy that is cold / outside when it's bad weather. Here I think he just means smth small.

** Vaay - expresses surprise (here) think of it as smth like (hey + ohh + oops)


Mary D. Haroutyounyan said...

arya duq demq eq!!!

es el es linke kcrem, molodec!

es el mta&um ei vonc bacatrem artasahmancinerin ed mul'tikum inch a xosum :)

bayc po moemu voch te "coucic" er asum, ayl "axchik". vse taki ed axchik asec - "es axchik em", bidzen el asec - "axchik? isk inch e da nshanakum?". hastat asec "axchik"!

Irina D. said...

Mary, you're right. That's what I thought. I replayed that moment about 10 times, but the old man doesn't say "aghcik", he says "coucik", which doesn't make sense :) Maybe they just wanted to make a joke?

Mary D. Haroutyounyan said...

Ir, the best part of the cartoon is when the old man from the picture hangs on the wall of his house and cryes!!! This way cry only the little children in the Kindergarten!!!! that was fantastic. I think everytime watching the cartoon we will find smth really special about the characters.

for example the girls big head and unreal big eyes.

Anonymous said...

AX!!!spasibo bol'shoe za text!Nakonec-to ya uznala o chem idet rech':) Ya uchu armyanskij, no na slux esche ne vosprinimaju. Vy sdelali ochen' dobroe i horoshee delo!
S nastupayuschim Novym Godom!