it was the first day i left house since sunday, and the flu is finally practically gone. i had to go pick up a paper from the ministry of foreign affairs, then get more papers.
i went to the ministry with mom, just to have some company in the line. after getting the paper, we walked to a bank to pay 131$ interview fee (i kept forgetting to do that). then i needed to go to what is called жэк (explanation for english readers: it's a place where you deal with comunal stuff. like if your tap is not working you go there and ask them to send smb. and it's who you pay the apartment fee. etc). i needed to get a paper that since i turned 16 and until now i'm living at my address (like i didn't live at some dorms, other places etc). i explained myself there. the lady stared at me and blanked. then she wanted to write it but the head was there and said "but how do you know that she has lived there? she could have lived anywhere!"
me: yeah. i know. so what do i do? from the ministry of foreign affairs i was sent here..
man: well.. get a paper from 3 neighbours who will sign that you have been living there. and bring their passports.
that was kind of a surprise for me. i got that paper in no time, took it and the passports to жэк again, and they gave me what i needed.
so i realized i could now go to the notary! and that i was holding all of the documents! i called mom again and we went to notary service together. they said it would be ready by 5! today! hooray! then me and mom went to Jazzve and had waffles. we left, i walked mom to work and started going back... and GOSH! I LEFT THE USA EMBASSY INVITATION PAPER ON THE TABLE AT JAZZVE!!! i nearly ran there and told the waiter "never! ever! leave such papers anywhere! if you are in my situation!" the guy laughed. i walked out with the paper and called myself all bad words in all languages i know!
went home. glanced at the desk whole surface of which was cluttered. the height of clutter was 15 cm in the average. i indifferently layed on the couch for a moment. feet were tired. i called Michael. played some idiotic mobile phone game, and left to get papers from the notary. i did. then photocopied EVERYTHING. all originals, checks, translations... and came home. i did it. it was over. i had all necessary documentation.
mom was surprised. she said i had plenty of time to do it without rush but did it in one day. i said:
- today was a good day. it was so sunny and warm. and i felt so strong and confident and lucky and happy that decided to do it all. it was fun to walk in the streets on such a day. it's one of the last days of warm, sunny autumn that i so much love. the next autumn won't be spent in yerevan. and today i didn't feel disgusted or hatered while walking in the streets. everything felt good. even people were smiling.
so now the only thing remaining is to get the package from Michael, fill in some application forms, and get some more e-mails, logs, photos printed.

(that's today's 365 days photo.this is from which perspective Michael sees me on webcam)
today i thought of so many visits i have to make, of farewell parties, saying goodbye, packing, leaving... it may sound strange.. i feel good about it. was i given a chance i'd leave NOW.
i know i will cry. many of my friends and family and relatives will cry and will make me cry too. but it's a good sort of it. i will be crying with a light heart, knowing it's the right thing to do, and that it's right to leave. i have no regrets. it's time for disclosure..
whatever my life was until this time - was good. i would have changed absolutelly nothing... because if i changed anything it might not bring me to this day. maybe i'd never meet Michael as a consequence.
the waiting comes to an end... a new life is starting, absolutelly different... and so much the same in some ways.
meh i better go to sleep :D the next time i start philosophy talk pinch me :D
P.S. my life is like coffee - strong taste, strong aroma... the vanilla in the coffee is Michael. without sweetness coffee would be disgusting!!!
1 comment:
What a sentimental post.
I'm the first in the list to cry (after your family)
I am both: very glad for you, and very sad. But This is life. Everything's changing. We are changing.
But one thing is for sure: it doesn't matter where you will be living for the rest of your life, and where I will move to. I am sure, we will meet from time to time , and spend nice time all together, as we used in the past good times.. We are strong and unique enough, not to lose the friendship we have in different life continuations.
P.S. I will have no make-up on the last day we meet, otherwise it all will smear on my face with tears. Oh, or I will make a permanent make-up..
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