the first one was the opening of a renowated board school in Dilijan. Ambassador of the US to Armenia, M. Yohanovich, was to attend this event together with the major of Tavoush region (where Dilijan belongs to), and some other important people. I was taken there as a photographer.
the trip started at 7.30 AM which is rediculous hour for me... and even knowing that I'd have to get up early I didn't end up going to bed until 3 AM. I set the alarm to 6.50, woke up and looked out of the window. the sky was black, the moon was shining brightly if I may say so. it was amuzing though :D I called Michael and talked to him for 10 mins, had a very quick breakfast - strong coffee, yogurt and a cookie. got dressed, headed out with aunt. we got into the car, and slowly the darkness outside started to move away, it got lighter and lighter with every minute. i was too excited and was just watching this process (which i actually haven't seen in many years :D ).
her asian eyes
so i walked around the place, took some photos, checked lighting in key places, got myself ready. the morning was beautiful... Dilijan is a picturesque place with serpent roads and mountains covered with forest, and in fall it was simply amazing! the morning was so cool, so calm, so beautiful, that everybody was even in higher spirits.
i walked around with her and other people and we even exchanged some words sometimes :D it was so natural. it was kind of a strange feeling for me to be there among all these important people with my cam. sometimes i would think that security would just rush in and grab me at some moment :D.
the woman in white is the director of IRD office in Armenia
in the last photo that's my aunt with the ambassador :)

yep that's me with the ambassador :D omg i just noticed! we are almost of the same height!
then the kids gave a small show - there were armenian dances, small theatre performance on an armenian fairy-tale, and some modern dances. the kids giving the theatre performance were extremely tallented. even guests who didn't speak armenian couldn't stop laughing!
then there was a small banquette.. at which i didn't eat anything for an unknown reason.. probably was too excited running around taking photos, or maybe just wasn't hungry yet.
then the ambassador left, and in some time the performance came to its end.
well and here are some photos of children:
then we headed out back to Yerevan where the second event was to take place. i fell asleep in the car and felt just dizzy when i woke up. i found out that my cam's battery was dying, the other cam was half-alive. i got the third half-alive cam from IRD's head of Armenian office - Rouzanna. i made it, shot the second event too.
in the 1st photo: the third from the left is the director (woman in a black suit with white dots... and those... boots...)
in the 2nd and 3rd photos: the woman in red and black is the vice director...
this school had much more means to make things better for children, but the banquette they organized was 3 times poorer than that at Dilijan. the director would keep saying "we don't have furniture. we don't have this we don't have that". she said they didn't have a fridge... but then they walked into a room with one :D she said "it's not ours" if you asked "and whose is it? did you steal it?" she would say smth like "i'm repairing my apartment and brought mine here to use". at the end of the event, when the IRD people were collecting posters and other stuff, that woman came and said "hey please leave your flip-chard to us as present". please explain what she will do with it. she just wanted to get smth else for free, no matter what. i was really disgusted by it all. and was glad that the ambassador wasn't there at least.
in Dilijan, children and teachers were like a big family... here you could only pity the children.
but to finish at the bright note. at least the dinning room and kitchens were renowated and children will use them now. an armenian painter added some paintings to the wall, so it all looked nice :)

i was very tired after i came home, but i was happy. it was an interesting day, and i saw so much, such contrasting sides of basically similar things...
yes and a note to my friends: guys, Vahan (or Vardan?) the photographer wasn't there. there weren't any photographers actually. only people with video cams, from different TV-stations :D
for the rest of the photos visit the album:
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Oct 15 - IRD event |
Many paleoceanographic reconstructions of the glacial North Atlantic include estimates of iceberg discharge, which are based on the variable abundance of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) in deep-sea sediments. IRD abundance is most often determined by the mechanical separation and painstaking counting of terrigenous particles larger than a specified threshold grain size, typically 150 μm. Here we present a new proxy for IRD based on X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of bulk sediments.
Ira ?! Es inch comment a ?! Es ov er !!
It's so funny, the photo with the ambassador. You should have asked me to make a visiting card design for you, to give it to the ambassador. We should have written on it - "Irene, the girl that needs a US Passport" and put on it your photo with your beautiful smile :)
motherfuck smile :) ya idu po doroge i botinok ne zhal'...
Good post! I liked the part of rising sun and quietness of the morning :)
to samflutch: it's a different IRD. IRD stands for International Relief and Development
to watcher: Mary i have no idea! some guy probably googled for IRD (a different one) found this and commented without reading. OMG damn, how could i have missed that out?? that's a brilliant idea. ehh my bad it's too late :( and wooooh such language! swearing bad girl! :D thanks for the compliment btw :)
to Alex: oh it was so beautiful and peaceful, that we all nearly dropped everything and just stayed there in the open! you had to see how some old guy from the US embassy, the regional coordinator of some projects, was walking among trees, looking around, taking photos and smiling like the last romantic :D
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