so some of you know that i've got a call from the american embassy. for those of you who don't - they called me and asked to come today at 2 pm.
i went there with mom, arrived at 1.50. mom was to wait in the taxi (of course they wouldn't let her in). so i saw a line of 2-3 people in front of the "consular services" entrance. i went and stood there with the rest, but wasn't sure if it was the right place, so i went to the security officer outside. but he assured me that it was the right place just i had to wait for 10 mins - til 2.00 pm :D
when i got inside, there were some more security officers. one asked who i was, i answered. he asked to show the passport, then whether i had coins in pockets. and to leave the mobile, cameras and other stuff there. i gave my bag, said i had no coins. he asked to walk through this metal-detection gate. i did... and it ringed. so i stood there wondering what would happen next, expecting things up to "get undressed".
guy: please raise your hands and move them far from the body. and he started looking for metal on me with this small manual device. it pinged at the sides (the skirt had some metal thingies) and on the back :D
security: is it a belt or what?
i just raised my coat behind... which should have looked funny
security: no no don't get undressed :D just please don't wear clothes with metal stuff on them when you come to the embassy!
me: ah oh sure the next time i'll do my best :D (it was the first time i was asked NOT to get undressed :D:D:D)
security: okay good, take your passport now and go
me: umm where to?
security: ah you don't know.. okay i'll walk you
so he walked opening doors in front of me and letting me in (what a gentleman. why are guys gentlemen when they are at service only? :D:D:D) btw, the doors were *heavy*. when i pushed the entrance door i had to lean against it with all of my body!
security: are you leaving for the US for long?
me: yeah forever
security: what a shame! one more beautiful girl is leaving! btw it suits you more this way rather than in passport photo!
me: there are still many beautiful girls left here! and oh i know! the passport photo was taken loooooong ago!!
then he left, and i was let into a waiting hall with some other people. there were windows with numbers and people behind them. i had number 6 attached to my coat and had to wait till they'd call me. so then while waiting there was an older woman who talked to me. she was going to Utah to her daughter, and i told her my story in 2 words, and she wished me much luck, and said an american husband would suit me :D:D lol, then i was called
the lady gave me an "invitation to the interview". in the paper there were instructions on what documents i should bring with me to the interview.
i got the paper and started going back. tried to open the door, leaned on it with all of my body weight but my feet slipped and i just pushed myself back a bit. just like in Tom and Jerry or anything similar. i bet the security had quite an amusing and funny visitor. the door was actually locked.. they had to open it :D
so then i left. had some other business in the city.. but it's a different story.
now i have to collect the necessary papers, translate them through notary, undergo a medical invitation, receive papers from Michael... and get printed evidence of our relationship - like chat logs, photos, emails... if i print the 2-year chat log... it will be an encyclopedia of our relationship in 10 volumes :D. it's okay to bring "evidence" on a cd. i will take the video with me too...
it's so close now, it feels like if i lean forward i can touch it with fingertips. i'm so relaxed about it now. now that we know the date of th interview and what needs to be taken care of.. there are million of small things yet to be solved... but it all moves into some mist in my head and i all i see is Michael waiting for me right after this misty area, with open arms, with a smile, with shining eyes, as happy as i will look :D i'm idiotically smiling now :D i hope you, the reader, don't have this same idiotic smile on your face now too :D why idiotic? because i look like a hopeless romantic :D eh i'm in love what do you want? :D ok time to call my sweetness and talk to him until i fade away into the land of dreams. kidding. i don't see dreams quite often. ok i'm annoyed by myself, so bye bye :D
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
IRD event
i better say 2 events.
the first one was the opening of a renowated board school in Dilijan. Ambassador of the US to Armenia, M. Yohanovich, was to attend this event together with the major of Tavoush region (where Dilijan belongs to), and some other important people. I was taken there as a photographer.
the trip started at 7.30 AM which is rediculous hour for me... and even knowing that I'd have to get up early I didn't end up going to bed until 3 AM. I set the alarm to 6.50, woke up and looked out of the window. the sky was black, the moon was shining brightly if I may say so. it was amuzing though :D I called Michael and talked to him for 10 mins, had a very quick breakfast - strong coffee, yogurt and a cookie. got dressed, headed out with aunt. we got into the car, and slowly the darkness outside started to move away, it got lighter and lighter with every minute. i was too excited and was just watching this process (which i actually haven't seen in many years :D ).
when we got to Dilijan it was around 9. we met up with the kids there, and the school stuff. i must say they all were so kind and hospitable, so honest and simple, and so thankful for the help, that I was kind of even surprised! even though hospitality here in Armenia is no big wonder. but here it was different - it came from their hearts. and well, though it was a board school, it looked like a big family. the attitude of kids towards teachers, and that of teachers to kids was very kind, warm, caring. One can't fake such things, one can't make children smile with fake smiles. and these children didn't need to be told to smile. they just did a lot.

her asian eyes
so i walked around the place, took some photos, checked lighting in key places, got myself ready. the morning was beautiful... Dilijan is a picturesque place with serpent roads and mountains covered with forest, and in fall it was simply amazing! the morning was so cool, so calm, so beautiful, that everybody was even in higher spirits.
then the guests arrived. the council, was such a nice lady! she left an impression of a very confident and independent person, with a big heart, very friendly, very open. she was smiling and looked at everything with much appreciation. also she was much more womenly than many american women - she had charm.
i walked around with her and other people and we even exchanged some words sometimes :D it was so natural. it was kind of a strange feeling for me to be there among all these important people with my cam. sometimes i would think that security would just rush in and grab me at some moment :D.

the woman in white is the director of IRD office in Armenia
in the last photo that's my aunt with the ambassador :)

yep that's me with the ambassador :D omg i just noticed! we are almost of the same height!
then the kids gave a small show - there were armenian dances, small theatre performance on an armenian fairy-tale, and some modern dances. the kids giving the theatre performance were extremely tallented. even guests who didn't speak armenian couldn't stop laughing!

then there was a small banquette.. at which i didn't eat anything for an unknown reason.. probably was too excited running around taking photos, or maybe just wasn't hungry yet.
then the ambassador left, and in some time the performance came to its end.
lol also, i gathered all my VHS films and gave them to this school.. now looking at it, it's mostly a collection of martial art movies (with Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan mostly), educational martial art films (on taekwondo of course), and some action movies.. it was somewhat strange to see them there :D but the school has a sports group, so it may be useful.
the other funny thing was to see... a photo of myself on the poster from the last year, from the last event (see here) Yes, i can tell Michael "ENJOY NOW" about myself when i arrive at the US :D.
well and here are some photos of children:

then we headed out back to Yerevan where the second event was to take place. i fell asleep in the car and felt just dizzy when i woke up. i found out that my cam's battery was dying, the other cam was half-alive. i got the third half-alive cam from IRD's head of Armenian office - Rouzanna. i made it, shot the second event too.
i had the very opposite feelings about this second place. it was a special school for children with speech problems. the director and vice director looked like ... like they worked somewhere else at nights. the way they treated the children was so brutal that i was shocked. but from the side it wouldn't be noticable unless you understood armenian. they constantly pinched children, pushed them, yelled at them... it's more to that. looked like their motto was "the children are our enemies".

in the 1st photo: the third from the left is the director (woman in a black suit with white dots... and those... boots...)
in the 2nd and 3rd photos: the woman in red and black is the vice director...
this school had much more means to make things better for children, but the banquette they organized was 3 times poorer than that at Dilijan. the director would keep saying "we don't have furniture. we don't have this we don't have that". she said they didn't have a fridge... but then they walked into a room with one :D she said "it's not ours" if you asked "and whose is it? did you steal it?" she would say smth like "i'm repairing my apartment and brought mine here to use". at the end of the event, when the IRD people were collecting posters and other stuff, that woman came and said "hey please leave your flip-chard to us as present". please explain what she will do with it. she just wanted to get smth else for free, no matter what. i was really disgusted by it all. and was glad that the ambassador wasn't there at least.
in Dilijan, children and teachers were like a big family... here you could only pity the children.
but to finish at the bright note. at least the dinning room and kitchens were renowated and children will use them now. an armenian painter added some paintings to the wall, so it all looked nice :)

i was very tired after i came home, but i was happy. it was an interesting day, and i saw so much, such contrasting sides of basically similar things...
yes and a note to my friends: guys, Vahan (or Vardan?) the photographer wasn't there. there weren't any photographers actually. only people with video cams, from different TV-stations :D
for the rest of the photos visit the album:
the first one was the opening of a renowated board school in Dilijan. Ambassador of the US to Armenia, M. Yohanovich, was to attend this event together with the major of Tavoush region (where Dilijan belongs to), and some other important people. I was taken there as a photographer.
the trip started at 7.30 AM which is rediculous hour for me... and even knowing that I'd have to get up early I didn't end up going to bed until 3 AM. I set the alarm to 6.50, woke up and looked out of the window. the sky was black, the moon was shining brightly if I may say so. it was amuzing though :D I called Michael and talked to him for 10 mins, had a very quick breakfast - strong coffee, yogurt and a cookie. got dressed, headed out with aunt. we got into the car, and slowly the darkness outside started to move away, it got lighter and lighter with every minute. i was too excited and was just watching this process (which i actually haven't seen in many years :D ).
her asian eyes
so i walked around the place, took some photos, checked lighting in key places, got myself ready. the morning was beautiful... Dilijan is a picturesque place with serpent roads and mountains covered with forest, and in fall it was simply amazing! the morning was so cool, so calm, so beautiful, that everybody was even in higher spirits.
i walked around with her and other people and we even exchanged some words sometimes :D it was so natural. it was kind of a strange feeling for me to be there among all these important people with my cam. sometimes i would think that security would just rush in and grab me at some moment :D.
the woman in white is the director of IRD office in Armenia
in the last photo that's my aunt with the ambassador :)

yep that's me with the ambassador :D omg i just noticed! we are almost of the same height!
then the kids gave a small show - there were armenian dances, small theatre performance on an armenian fairy-tale, and some modern dances. the kids giving the theatre performance were extremely tallented. even guests who didn't speak armenian couldn't stop laughing!
then there was a small banquette.. at which i didn't eat anything for an unknown reason.. probably was too excited running around taking photos, or maybe just wasn't hungry yet.
then the ambassador left, and in some time the performance came to its end.
well and here are some photos of children:
then we headed out back to Yerevan where the second event was to take place. i fell asleep in the car and felt just dizzy when i woke up. i found out that my cam's battery was dying, the other cam was half-alive. i got the third half-alive cam from IRD's head of Armenian office - Rouzanna. i made it, shot the second event too.
in the 1st photo: the third from the left is the director (woman in a black suit with white dots... and those... boots...)
in the 2nd and 3rd photos: the woman in red and black is the vice director...
this school had much more means to make things better for children, but the banquette they organized was 3 times poorer than that at Dilijan. the director would keep saying "we don't have furniture. we don't have this we don't have that". she said they didn't have a fridge... but then they walked into a room with one :D she said "it's not ours" if you asked "and whose is it? did you steal it?" she would say smth like "i'm repairing my apartment and brought mine here to use". at the end of the event, when the IRD people were collecting posters and other stuff, that woman came and said "hey please leave your flip-chard to us as present". please explain what she will do with it. she just wanted to get smth else for free, no matter what. i was really disgusted by it all. and was glad that the ambassador wasn't there at least.
in Dilijan, children and teachers were like a big family... here you could only pity the children.
but to finish at the bright note. at least the dinning room and kitchens were renowated and children will use them now. an armenian painter added some paintings to the wall, so it all looked nice :)

i was very tired after i came home, but i was happy. it was an interesting day, and i saw so much, such contrasting sides of basically similar things...
yes and a note to my friends: guys, Vahan (or Vardan?) the photographer wasn't there. there weren't any photographers actually. only people with video cams, from different TV-stations :D
for the rest of the photos visit the album:
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Oct 15 - IRD event |
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i have much to say
there is so much going on that i just don't manage to post and upload on time! i still have to upload fireworks photos... i just have to choose the best ones and delete the bad ones which is a tough and long process!
on 15th there is an opening of a school which was renovated by IRD (International Relief and Development, where my aunt works). the school is for kids in the asylums, from unwealthy families, etc. aunt's office asked me to come with them as a photographer and have much hopes about my photos! they have designed a route for me and will want me to take photos of the head of the Armenian IRD office with American council, and other guests... it's much responsibility you know? i'm worried! tomorrow if they have place in the car they will take me with them to the school, so that i can wander about, learn my route and what they want from me etc. Also i can help with hanging posters and such. The school is in Dilijan.. which is 3 hours ride from Yerevan. i will post on 15th about it all in detail. promise!
now... THE NEWS!
the US ministry of home security has approved our papers on OCT 7!!! hoorayyyy!!! it's so great! now in a week they will send the papers to American consulate in Armenia, i will go get some papers, go through medical examination, and the interview... and will leave in about 2 weeks after the interview! i'm sooooo excited! i still can't get the composure of myself!
we didn't find out from lawyers. i was talking to Michael and suddenly..
Michael: DEAR! guess what?
me: what? lawyers called?!
Michael: no..
me: *sad*
Michael: stupid lawyers
me: ???
Michael: our papers were approved on OCT 7! i just went to the government site to read the usual "your application is in process. thank you." note hoping for some change, and suddenly i see "your application was approved on OCT 7"
so then we talk on and on about the process, work, traveling together, living together, we make plans...
Michael wants to meet me at Detroit (MI) airport which will be the entry point to America for me.. and then we will fly to Cleveland airport together and he will drive us home... in Detroit we will have enough time for kisses.. and other things.. and for me to tell him all about the flight, and for him to show me some pieces of America, and to have a drink together, ... etc :D
am i going to sleep this night? i don't think so. i'm too excited!!!!
P.S. (note added in the morning) Michael's post about this is here.
on 15th there is an opening of a school which was renovated by IRD (International Relief and Development, where my aunt works). the school is for kids in the asylums, from unwealthy families, etc. aunt's office asked me to come with them as a photographer and have much hopes about my photos! they have designed a route for me and will want me to take photos of the head of the Armenian IRD office with American council, and other guests... it's much responsibility you know? i'm worried! tomorrow if they have place in the car they will take me with them to the school, so that i can wander about, learn my route and what they want from me etc. Also i can help with hanging posters and such. The school is in Dilijan.. which is 3 hours ride from Yerevan. i will post on 15th about it all in detail. promise!
now... THE NEWS!
the US ministry of home security has approved our papers on OCT 7!!! hoorayyyy!!! it's so great! now in a week they will send the papers to American consulate in Armenia, i will go get some papers, go through medical examination, and the interview... and will leave in about 2 weeks after the interview! i'm sooooo excited! i still can't get the composure of myself!
we didn't find out from lawyers. i was talking to Michael and suddenly..
Michael: DEAR! guess what?
me: what? lawyers called?!
Michael: no..
me: *sad*
Michael: stupid lawyers
me: ???
Michael: our papers were approved on OCT 7! i just went to the government site to read the usual "your application is in process. thank you." note hoping for some change, and suddenly i see "your application was approved on OCT 7"
so then we talk on and on about the process, work, traveling together, living together, we make plans...
Michael wants to meet me at Detroit (MI) airport which will be the entry point to America for me.. and then we will fly to Cleveland airport together and he will drive us home... in Detroit we will have enough time for kisses.. and other things.. and for me to tell him all about the flight, and for him to show me some pieces of America, and to have a drink together, ... etc :D
am i going to sleep this night? i don't think so. i'm too excited!!!!
P.S. (note added in the morning) Michael's post about this is here.
open air rock concert
on saturday me, Anya and Vahick went to a small photo-exhibition about refugees of Croatia-Serbia, Cypruses, and Ireland. we really liked works of the photographer who shot photos of Ireland. the other thing we noticed, most of the photos had high ISO.. and well I actually liked the effect it gave especially to black and white pictures. the other thing about the exhibition that I liked was that each photo had a story of smb's life behind it.
then we went out, had a small meal at the Chinese restaurant and left... and heard rock music in the street.
we found out that a rock concert dedicated to Yerevan's 2790th birthday was taking place in the open in front of the Moscow cinema. Me and Vahick unanimously took out the cams and started taking photos.
Band members decided we were professional photographers and they were starring into my cam or sending smiles to it when they'd notice me :D

we could wander around the stage without restrictions. slowly professional photographers with professional cams arrived... they are probably sick of me and Vahick :D
the bands playing were Gor and friends, Reincarnation, Empyray, Bambir. the day was sunny, it was hot. look at the photo. if you think the guy has a blue guitar you are wrong! it's the reflection of the clear blue sky! yes you get it now :D By the time concert ended we were tired.
when i got home i had a terrible headache, so that i didn't even post a daily photo!
anyway for more photos visit my picasa album. i will probably upload more photos soon:
we found out that a rock concert dedicated to Yerevan's 2790th birthday was taking place in the open in front of the Moscow cinema. Me and Vahick unanimously took out the cams and started taking photos.
Band members decided we were professional photographers and they were starring into my cam or sending smiles to it when they'd notice me :D
we could wander around the stage without restrictions. slowly professional photographers with professional cams arrived... they are probably sick of me and Vahick :D
when i got home i had a terrible headache, so that i didn't even post a daily photo!
anyway for more photos visit my picasa album. i will probably upload more photos soon:
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opean air rock concert |
my life,
rock concert
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
friendships and design
1) the day before yesterday Michael told me that he was working on... Halloween invitations! i had never ever heard of him doing anything like that for 2 years of our relationship :D so yes he surprised me. i asked if i could help, and he actually asked me to do them for him.
to tell the truth.. design is such a thing for me that i may just have some idea and it will turn out good but when smb asks me to make smth i can completely fail it. so i was kind of anxious... nevertheless i made an invitation pretty quick... only to find out that it wasn't suitable, because there is a huge and long buletted list of invitation text (which Michael was working on while i was 'designing')!
so.. i practically remade the whole thing. and oh my god i actually did the 2 invitations in 3 hours! which is smth unheard of!
anyways.. here is what turned out

there is this thing with holidays in America. among friends and family they kind of 'divided' holidays, and every holiday got a reponsible person (or several persons :) ) so Halloween is Michael's and Linzy's (Linzy is Brian's wife, and Brian is Michael's brother, for those of you who don't know). and of course it will be mine :D i guess it's my favorite holiday of all! i just LOVE it!!!
2) there are some friendships which you value greatly but which fall apart because of some idiotic misunderstanding(s). and neither side wants to make the first step, because it feels betrayed by smb dear. Like if this misunderstanding took place with smb else, nobody would remember it on the next day. but it is the closest people that can hurt the most. however, the good thing is that when it's a real friendship, it will be fixed in some time. sometimes it is fixed in several weeks, sometimes in months, and sometimes in years. But good friends return into each other lives. and it's just beyond being great!
3) yesterday after diploma award ceremony i met up with Helen. we walked to Tashir pizza and had some pizza there like you could have guessed. we hadn't met up in some loooong time, so there was much to discuss (girlish themes in general). we giggled a lot and just goofed around. the cafe was very nice - the tables were far apart and that hall downstairs wasn't crowded, the waiters weren't annoying but were on time. the atmosphere was very nice and we felt relaxed. Helen wants to join my swimming classes which is just great! i'd love her in company :D

the thing with Helen is that since the second year of school.. our friendship hasn't changed. it had its ups and downs but usually we are the same troublemakers.. where she is always the innocent victim of my bad influence MUAHAHAHA
to tell the truth.. design is such a thing for me that i may just have some idea and it will turn out good but when smb asks me to make smth i can completely fail it. so i was kind of anxious... nevertheless i made an invitation pretty quick... only to find out that it wasn't suitable, because there is a huge and long buletted list of invitation text (which Michael was working on while i was 'designing')!
so.. i practically remade the whole thing. and oh my god i actually did the 2 invitations in 3 hours! which is smth unheard of!
anyways.. here is what turned out

there is this thing with holidays in America. among friends and family they kind of 'divided' holidays, and every holiday got a reponsible person (or several persons :) ) so Halloween is Michael's and Linzy's (Linzy is Brian's wife, and Brian is Michael's brother, for those of you who don't know). and of course it will be mine :D i guess it's my favorite holiday of all! i just LOVE it!!!
2) there are some friendships which you value greatly but which fall apart because of some idiotic misunderstanding(s). and neither side wants to make the first step, because it feels betrayed by smb dear. Like if this misunderstanding took place with smb else, nobody would remember it on the next day. but it is the closest people that can hurt the most. however, the good thing is that when it's a real friendship, it will be fixed in some time. sometimes it is fixed in several weeks, sometimes in months, and sometimes in years. But good friends return into each other lives. and it's just beyond being great!
3) yesterday after diploma award ceremony i met up with Helen. we walked to Tashir pizza and had some pizza there like you could have guessed. we hadn't met up in some loooong time, so there was much to discuss (girlish themes in general). we giggled a lot and just goofed around. the cafe was very nice - the tables were far apart and that hall downstairs wasn't crowded, the waiters weren't annoying but were on time. the atmosphere was very nice and we felt relaxed. Helen wants to join my swimming classes which is just great! i'd love her in company :D
the thing with Helen is that since the second year of school.. our friendship hasn't changed. it had its ups and downs but usually we are the same troublemakers.. where she is always the innocent victim of my bad influence MUAHAHAHA
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
diploma award ceremony
the official ceremony of receiving diplomas took place at what we used to attend as university.
i must say that i expected worse organization - but oh my goodness! they actually started at 2 as planned! where the ceremony was taking place? no not at the hall, no not at some other university or vuilding. it was taking place in the front yard of the university. at 2 the sun was shining brightly and we had to stand there, and there was no shadow!

so slowly the majority of students moved to the shadowy areas and sat on borders, stones, on the ground.. while the boring part was taking place.
that is to say rector and other people from administration where telling what a great place we were attending for 4 years :D:D
the "cool" moments were:
1. the bachelors were wearing a ribbon (the color depended on the faculty)

2. when the ceremony started they set doves free and they flew into the sky

3. we were given these ... tasteless congratulation papers with poor design symbolizing our diplomas.

4. we were given 2 "red bull" energy drinks and a congratulation paper. the paper was fine, the congratulation was funny.. you can compare the 2 congratulation papers yourself. i will say no more.

5. at the end of the ceremony they fired colorful paper into the air.

you can find the rest of the photos by clicking on links below:
this one photo is uploaded at flickr because i needed it for 365 days project

and Mary's post about the same event is here.
i must say that i expected worse organization - but oh my goodness! they actually started at 2 as planned! where the ceremony was taking place? no not at the hall, no not at some other university or vuilding. it was taking place in the front yard of the university. at 2 the sun was shining brightly and we had to stand there, and there was no shadow!
so slowly the majority of students moved to the shadowy areas and sat on borders, stones, on the ground.. while the boring part was taking place.
that is to say rector and other people from administration where telling what a great place we were attending for 4 years :D:D
the "cool" moments were:
1. the bachelors were wearing a ribbon (the color depended on the faculty)
2. when the ceremony started they set doves free and they flew into the sky
3. we were given these ... tasteless congratulation papers with poor design symbolizing our diplomas.
4. we were given 2 "red bull" energy drinks and a congratulation paper. the paper was fine, the congratulation was funny.. you can compare the 2 congratulation papers yourself. i will say no more.
5. at the end of the ceremony they fired colorful paper into the air.
you can find the rest of the photos by clicking on links below:
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Oct 07 - receiving diplomas |
this one photo is uploaded at flickr because i needed it for 365 days project

and Mary's post about the same event is here.
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