we got up late. Michael had to update his plates in the car as it was the last day to do that. he thought the place was closing at 1. as we found out on the shot door it had closed at 12. hehe. Michael will drive illegally today and will update his plates tomorrow (by plates i mean that piece of paper they stick to the windshield card with a year on it).
so we went to have a breakfast/lunch at RollyPolly. as we entered the lady said:
- ah the newlyweds! you must be Irina? i've heard much about you.
i could only smile and say "mmm" but i liked the place a lot - the food was good, and they had some nice salads which were of a normal size. usually if i order any kind of salad anywhere here, the portion will be so huge that i will actually not finish it and will be too full to have a main course.
and then! then it was photogrpahy time! Kirk and his friend Lou wanted to go on a hike and decided to take me with them. i was very happy because i would try out my new camera. the meeting point was at some state park. Michael said it's not really a hike and that the park is tiny and that we will probably just go to the beach of the lake and take some photos and be back.
so we met up with Kirk, then Michael left. and in a moment Lou arrived. he was wearing light clothes which was a surprise for me. but then he just got a pair of socks, put them on ones he was wearing, then changed his coat to a warm one, and got fully equipped. we started off. the snow was a bit higher than my knees, sometimes reaching to my hips. but once we got out to the beach it changed.
we were out in the dunes. it was a white desert with some dead plants. the sky was gray... it was a very lonely and sad picture all in all. we started walking towards the lighthouse. the wind was terrible but it was blowing from behind so i didn't even feel it at first. i was so warmed up by the walk that didn't feel cold at all!
Lou found a dead seagull in the snow. at first i didn't realize what it was. then he started scrapping the snow off of something and said "see? this is a beak." i quickly turned away and practically ran away. it only added something desparate to the landscape - how severe the winter is, how helpless living beings are...
once we were done with the photography we started walking back. which means we had to face the wind! i did my best not to leave out even an inch of skin - but i had to see where i was walking. the next time i will follow Kirk's example and put sunglasses on - that was a bright idea! and i'm so happy to have long hair! i won't have it cut until warmer times!
anyway. here are my favorite photos from the hike and link to the rest of them:

My other photos from the hike
Kirk's photos
when Michael arrived he started walking towards us. only then he realized we actually didn't go just to the park, but we went out to the dunes. he said it was a really crazy thing to do and that we walked a hell of a distance :D
first of all glad to hear you are seriously interested in photography, that hobby brings kind of spice into life. And yes, hiking - that's great and so relaxing.
The photos are beautiful, I also feel the difference between your older photos, and the ones you make now. And thanks to share also Kirk's photo-page. I was really interested in his photography.
And just noticed - you don't wear a hat ! are you crazy, it must be really cold there !
oh , and wait for my next post. I will also put Felix's winter photos from Armenia.
It was so so beautiful in Tsakhkadzor, you will definitely like them all :))
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