first of all i must say i quit the 365 project. i reached number 144. there were several reasons to stop... it stopped being fun and became a burdain; it was taking the time i wanted to spend on learning new stuff on photography or practicing it; and i ran out of ideas. so i realized that day after day i was stressed because it was so difficult to come up with a new and fun idea and then implement it. and i didn't want to add crappy pictures to the project (i already added some that were bad so didn't want to add more). 144 isn't a small amount on the other hand it's not even half.
so today i decided to make dinner... first of all there was a frozen premade cherry pie in the freezer. so i decided to deal with that and bake it. there was a tiny and easy instruction - with steps.
1. preheat the oven to 400F
2. make 4 1-inch cuts on the pie
3. put the FROZEN pie on a baking sheet and place that in the center of the oven.
4. bake the pie for 60-65 mins
5. take the pie out of the oven. do NOT touch the pie pan with hands! the contents is HOT!
at this point i thought "what kind of idiot would touch it anyway?"
so i followed the instruction and put the pie into the oven. then started making mashed potatoes for the first time in my life. i also wanted to bake chicken breasts but decided that Michael can do that part when he arrives. i had already 2 things to keep an eye on!
so it was time to take the pie out. i got the special thing to hold the pan with - the one that looks like a glove and is made of tissue... i pulled out the pan with left hand and started carrying it... but the pan felt heavy-ish so automatically i helped myself with my right hand. yes i grabbed the hot pan out of oven. i don't know what i did first - put my hand under the cold water or imagined my head turning into that of a donkey like in many cartoons. one thing is sure - i had that image in my head and also i remembered the instruction's step 5 and replied to myself "that instruction was for idiots like me." now it's not that bad - the burn - i just burnt one finger in several places and there isn't even a blister. but i keep walking with a coca-cola can out of fridge. holding it in the right hand. or jumping up and running to the bathroom to put the hand under icy cold water. much fun...
the pie was good too! anything cherry is good ;)
anyway. other than that mashed potatoes came out really good. i was surprised - i liked them! and Michael was surprised - he liked them too! i guess he just didn't expect anything good from my kitchen skills :D and he was right - this was an accident :D
the other day i decided to do around in the far room which was used as storage of electronics; books; and just anything. it was a waste. so i cleaned it up, moved not working/unnecessary electronics onto small table, and left only 5 dynamics and a printer on the desk. put some pillows on the ground. this will be my night retreat. i stay up late usually but can't sit in the living room since there are 2 disgusting birds who start squarking if i turn the lights on.
Michael was very happy about me cleaning this room. he said he'd bring a workstation home with a nice 19'' monitor, G15 keyboard and razer mouse. and so he did! so now we just connect our notebooks to this stuff and enjoy ourselves - Michael in the morning while i'm asleep and before he goes to work, and me at night when Michael is asleep :D

G15 keyboard with a screen

razer mouse
and also i created a wishlist! so now you know what to get me for any occasion :D i will make it much bigger in no time ;) :D