right now "mini brazil" or "mega latino party 3" is taking place and i'm at home, curled up with my notebook on the sofa and don't feel like moving.
how comes i didn't go? well i have a couple of reasons...
first is that i had a very stressful evening yesterday, and then got up very early today to go to the park with Niko and Avag (we met up at 9).

what happened yesterday was that i simply wanted to install photoshop on my notebook. but to do that i needed to use image file and well it said on the disk that i will need to install alcohol 120% program first. i did install it.. after what this wonderful windows vista home edition showed me blue screen of death with a fatal error and shut down. and windows would not start until (like Michael found out) i uninstalled that damn alcohol! to run commander i would need to boot windows in safe mode and THEN call the commander! but well my captain america, my hero and rescuer, was there :D at first he told me to insert a linux live cd... but it didn't work since it didn't give access to hdd directory. then i found the original vista disk and... booted comander from there :D and deleted the files of alcohol 120 manually, after what windows loaded! hooray! but oh when it all was fixed it was around 1.30. if i was a smoker i would smoke much more than one cigarette :D
anyways... so after going to the park with Avag and Niko we went over to Niko's place for '3 minutes' to see his 3d animations (they were cool!). then we watched some 3d cartoons which were great... and the 3 minutes turned into several hours!
i was planning to come home and get some more sleep before going to the pool! but i decided i will be fine. then i remembered i had to refill the internet balance, so i met up with Helen, we walked to the isp, talking and joking on the way, then i finally went to the pool...
when i FINALLY got home (no my legs are still legs, they didn't turn into mermaid tail like mom says), i had to beat the meat for dinner.. aunt said after i beat it, it has to be twice bigger and twice thinner... it was thrice bigger and thrice thinner as a result of my work and well there was meat on walls, floor, and on me :D
then i felt HUNGER! and had to wait for aunt to feeeeeed me! and of course we had some home-made apple vodka (calvados). so after that... oh dear god how do you think i would go to the party after all that? i was just not able to move :D
and well there was more to it... lately i've been going out all the time and spent much less time talking to my sweet white bear than i wanted, than we wanted.
it feels like waiting now. i'm on the edge of saying goodbye to life in armenia and leaving... and i feel good about it. i would change anything in my life if i looked back but at the same time i just can't wait to start a new life, a new life with the best man in the world who i'll call my husband soon :) he puts me into peaceful spirits, calms me down no matter what storm i went through, and oh really... he is the best thing in my life. i love Michael :)
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