water world
what do people do when it's terribly hot? take a swim. where? one of the places is the water-park. also i had to show my swimming skills to Michael and my new swim-suit ;)
he enjoyed both :D he will call me "little mermaid"... or a "crabby" sometimes :D. Michael said my swimming had improved! needless to say how well he swims. he actually was a lifeguard some very long time ago and also went through all stages of swimming classes where the last one was "shark".
the funny thing was when we were entering water a boy of say 12 years old started splashing water at me. i of course replied with the same until was completely wet and just swam away.
then we went out to relax some. when we were entering water the second time we were completely dry and the water seemed cold so we moved slowly. it was hardly reaching my knees when suddenly a girl (who was hardly reaching my waist... (i'm small don't forget)) in a life belt and jacket came up, smiled at us and splashed water at me! brrrrr! i ran away! she followed to do the same. Michael was laughing until she splashed some water at him too :D so this girl chased us out of the pool for a minute :D:D:D then Michael said that kids seemed enjoying splashing water at us for some reason. I explained that we didn't look like we would scream at them at the top of our voices :D it was a very good time at the water park with much swimming and much talking and relaxing.
Toumanyan's park
on the last evening before we went back to his room to actually pack things and after we left my place after dinner we went to this park. i was wearing a dress which was no obstacle for me to sit by his side on the grass. there were lots of couples, friends, families, older people, children in that park, and everybody was in higher moods and very peaceful. we talked some looking at the view in front of us. then when it was time to go Michael lent me a hand and then kissed mine (yes and he sets a good example for you boys :D ). i laughed and we walked by the bridge and then watched the sunset together. and though it was the last day of his trip, we didn't feel sad or like crying then. we just enjoyed the moment not thinking of the future. time froze for a bit and there were us standing and hugging on the bridge, the wind blowing around us (and trying to get the skirt of the dress on my head!), last sun rays, and swallows flying around.
last night
then we went to his room, packed his things, came to our place with his bags, and i gave him the huge Salvador Dali book and the photo-magazines to pack into his bag so that i won't have to pack them into mine when it's time for me to start packing... which shows how very much i trust him :D:D:D my fasmily was all around trying to help, giving advice, worrying too much about cognac to break etc. then one by one my family members went to bed and there were only 2 of us who stayed up all night until 5 am when we had to head out to the airport. we exchanged many files, talked some (i was falling asleep more than he was) then when everything was done watched several series of "Scrubs". then it was time to go...
p.s. i uploaded some photos at the photo-blog:
:) A great time there. Very nice swimsuit, and much improved swimming.
One correction - I was not a lifeguard, I just could have been after classes taken (then.) Now of course, I'd have to get back in shape and probably stop smoking so much!
oh i will give you a reason to stop smoking someday anyway :D ;) be happy :D
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