Wednesday, May 30, 2007

13 exams

exam date time C comment

1. german - test 24.05 14.00 1.0 :p
2. english - test 30.05 18.00 1.5 :)
3. english - presentation 31.05 10.00 1.5 what is it about?
4. german - oral exam 01.06 10.00 1.0 topics >:p
5. physical education (!) 05.06 10.00 true 100% i'll "fail"
6. COURSE PROJECT 06.00 10.00 3.0 ready
7. algorithms 11.06 10.00 2.0 2 days are enough

8. !logic 14.00 10.00 1.75 ahahah (that's !logic)
9. russian 16.06 10.00 1.0 hahaha i'll "fail"
10. net 18.06 10.00 2.0 ???
11. probability 21.06 10.00 1.75 !!!
12. java 25.06 14.00 2.0 omg... ?!?!
13. php & mysql 29.06 14.00 2.0 :D

in several words:
a bachelor is asked "how long will it take you to study chinese?" "well, 5 years, i think", he replies. professor is asked the same question and replies that he'll study it in 10 years. the doctor of science says it will be a lifelong study. the student replies with a question: "when is the exam?.."

//yes just several words :D that's what i learnt at !logic :D

some students study these things during the whole semester... some study the same things during days left between the exams :D. we know that we are mean and zzvanq students :D

*yawn* ok let's see what i have to do with this work.. mmm Michael will come online in ~0.5 h. as long as we communicate in english mostly (not taking into consideration the PP-PI language), i can say that i'm getting ready with the english test :D. mmmmm yes and as long as he's the best programmer in the world, i can also say that i'm getting ready with java, php, mysql exams :D.

*makes a PP face* no more distraction. yes. mhm.. mmmm... july... :D...... hmhmhm. cactus. cacti rather (at my desk). and one zzvanq flying cactus at home. cacti don't like rain. if it rains in a minute, i will be a cactus at the exam.

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