on the very first day of june which is the very first day of summer in Armenia and Russia, etc me, Michael and Nicole went to Cedar point which is an amusement park situated on the island.
approaching the island. lake Erie to our left and right.

the weather was not promissing at all - it started raining once we got there. and the wind was a killer. but oh well nothing could stop us from having fun!
the first chill (or thrill) ride we went on was this thing.. which was swinging from left to right and the circle was going around at the same time.

it was pretty horrible :)) but it was a good start because the next one was really giving you chills.

if you think they are going straight you're wrong. they're going down.
and now... here comes the worst one. seriously no other coaster and no other thrill ride was so terrifying as... the power tower!

as you could have guessed that thing drops you down so that you experience the free fall. but it wasn't the worst part. it was slowly crawling up and with every inch realizing how high you are. and then when you reach the top and can observe the whole park, you know that you're gonna be dropped. you just don't know when. oh god you had all kinds of time to think "why? why am i doing this to myself? what i hate myself? i could be on the sofa all cozy and warm..." and then you scream at the top of your lungs and fly down :))
then we took a break, had a lunch and walked around.

Snoopys everywhere!

at the stores we saw some dragons, pirate treasures.. and more fun stuff :))

However, everything was way overpriced and you can get that stuff from various stores in the area anyway.
anyway. and then! we went on real rides. we started with a small one - the cork screw. which had 3 loops and so seemed pretty terrifying to me.

Michael said it didn't even count as a coaster. then we went on Raptor... i can't tell you much about it because i had my eyes closed for the most part and screaming at the top of my lungs. oh dear god. however once i stepped on the ground i said "it wasn't that bad! i'm still alive and can walk straight!"

Iron Dragon. this was a very fun and ride that didn't make me scream or Nicole scream "hell yes!" as she usually did at the most crazy parts of the coasters. Michael refused even going on that one and went to have a smoke. but it had a part where you go through water powder! and it looked very neat and beautiful! especially later in the evening.

after that came Mantis. in which you were actually standing. it was a really crazy one but i really enjoyed it and screamed in appreciation not in terror. Michael was surprised :D he said it was much worse than the raptor! but the thing was raptor was the first big roller coaster in my life (actual roller coaster, not speaking figuratively :)) )!

After that we took a break, had some food. sorry don't remember what it was called. some kind of cake.. ask Michael or Nicole :D other than rollercoasters there were various little fun places - one of which was this little watch tower which looks absolutelly like ones in "Age of Empires" (the strategy game i loved and used to play).

also there were various farm animals who you could play with. of course i could be found with the goats :D

then we went on the coaster i loved the best - the maverick. it was situated right on the lake, and it was simply amazing. at a certain point it seemed that you were falling right on the lake! i really enjoyed it and the line we waited for it was worth it.

i can't really describe all that with words, so i'd highly recommend going to
Maverick link and watching the "point of view video" (it's on the right).
and in general just check out cedar poin't official site and the coasters
right here!then Michael and Nicole took me to what they called an old wooden rollercoaster. it seemed it was going to break any minute and the seats were not comfortable at all. you weren't fixed in it and were being thrown against its walls which wasn't nice let's say :D.
the next one was Magnum XL-200 which has the biggest hill in the world. it was pretty bad :))) after that we want on some little fun carouselles or whatever. Then i said that nothing in the world will make me go on Dragster Hill which made Nicole try to dragg me there. i ended up not going :)) and sent Mike with her. he said i sold him out easily. i said he is not afraid of heights. what? do you know what that thing was? you just fly up and down!

then it was time to leave as the park was closing. my throat was hurting... but it was a tiny inconvenience especially compared to the amount of fun i had :)) it was a wonderful day... and in the end i was happy to stand firmly on the ground!
for the rest of the photos go to my flickr and here's the picasa link
p.s. the title of the post has to do with the park ad on TV.. there some teenagers ask "are you a ride warrior?" and that they are ready to ride on coasters and stuff :))