... alarm clock made bounce out of bed. looked at the time to find out i slept for 3.5 hours. great just great! worst idea ever! but oh well...
started getting ready to go, doing last small and annoying bits of packing, not really thinking or reflecting on the flight or my departure. with all these last hectic days i hadn't really thought much about it. i was just doing things, being there in Armenia in mind, not in America and not on the plane. so now i felt i hadn't prepared myself for the flight. i mean i didn't think anything through or didn't try to remember what i should do and how, didn't think of what to do in emergency situations... in fact this was my first flight since 96, and 3rd flight in my life. however the previous 2 were so different - i was not alone, i was a kid, just looking around, not worrying about *anything*. now i was to be on my own. completely.
i wasn't thinking about this all then. i was just making sure everything is packed. then Marina-Narine-Khachik arrived on their car, Hovik arrived on his - we were to go on his car. suddenly smb rang at the door. Goharic and Gabriel came over to say goodbye. i was in the shower. :D quickly got dressed, called Mary and Helen, they came over and we were set to go. me, Helen and Mary sat on the backseat of Hovik's car, talking on the way, waking up, watching how the night was slowly creeping away. i had never seen the city at such an early hour.
then we found out Hovik thought my flight was at 8.45 not 9.45... so we arrived 1 hour before we intended to be there. i took care of the registry and luggage. once everything was done, we sat at a cafe to have some coffee and talk. it was such nice and warm atmosphere that it looked like everybody forgot why we were there and we were just enjoying ourselves. we watched the sunrise and took some photos together.

then it was time to go... standing in line, waiting to walk through the gate.. i felt kind of numb. started hugging people, trying to say smth to cheer them up and not to make them cry, once i gave a hug to aunt my eyes went wet, then hugged mom, and quickly walked through, telling myself "you will get back to this moment. you have no right to cry now or be disoriented. you are on your own. pull together!" it worked. especially since i went to some desk to be let out of country. everything went smoothly, nobody gave me any hard time about anything. i was being sweet and nice, and people were smiling at me which made me feel better and more confident.

then i boarded on plane. the stewards were mostly black, and french. their english was very funny. one of the stewards put my carry-on on the shelf for me, i sat by the window. soon a woman and her husband sat by my side.
the woman was about 50, her husband had some business in France and she was traveling with him. it was a nice couple. she kept talking to me, i told her my story, she told me about her family, her daughters, her grand-children. she was nice.
when the plane took off, i felt nothing but curiosity - no fear, no worry - just interest. and i *loved* being in turbulence :D crazy girl i know. i was taking some photos and the lady kept asking me "what are you taking a photo of?" every time i'd touch my cam.

it was kind of annoying to tell the truth. i was trying to read. she was reading a magazine, constantly grabbing on my shoulder, sowing a photo of some crazy armenian lady (really crazy and insane), and wanted me to say smth about it. then i put headphones on and started watching a movie in english. again she kept buzzing me telling me something. i started feeling pissed off. then she went to sleep! it was coooool! then she woke up and started talking about horoscopes, and telling me which sign had what character judging by her children and believing every word on horoscope. i was being polite, but seriously! it was annoying!
the movie was a very good one actually. and at a touching moment my lips started shaking and eyes grew wet. well anything could make me cry really - leaving home and dealing with it all. it just started hitting me. but i bottled it up especially since the woman might wake up and start asking many unnecessary questions. so i pulled myself together and decided to postpone that moment again.
anyway. when we were about to land i was wondering what would happen next, if i would be on time and actually would make it. i had to spend only 2 hours in Paris - and had to find the right terminal. suddenly the captain announced which terminal we were ladning at and oh my god! it was the one i needed for the next flight! i was so happy! then we landed, i wished the lady good luck and she wished me the same and we parted ways for good.
i asked a bunch of people where to go. all of them had such funny english that i wasn't sure i understood them right. then it was time for security control. they made me take off the coat, boots; then i had to take the notebook and other electronic stuff out of the carry-on bag. it wasn't fun at all! then i went for passport and visa control.
the lady had dark skin and actually i believe she was mexican. she was nice to me but it was difficult to understand her. i somehow explained myself and then a big black guy came over since the lady who was asking questions wanted something from him.
guy: why are you going to America?
me: to get married with my fiance - Michael Lambert.
guy: why are you marrying him? marry me!
me: !
me: ...
me: no no only him. you definitely don't look like him at all :D
him: marry me and stay in France!
me: no no no :D
then they gave me my passport and other stuff and i had to wait for boarding. i could have gone to some duty-free stores or could have given a call to Michael or home, or could have found a WI-FI area to talk to people online.. but i decided not to get distracted and not to waste time. and actually in 10 mins after i was done with passport check the boarding started!
it was a different plane - very big. as it turned out there was nobody to sit by my side. so i started reading. i was glad i had some time alone.
one of the stewards came and gave some forms to fill out. concerning the cost of imported goods. i was like "what? geeze how can i evaluate my stuff at all??". but i postponed filling it out. read the book, tried to get some sleep - i think i slept for an hour. listened to some music. cried twice. maybe because of tiredness, maybe because of the stress, maybe because of leaving. probably all together. i couldn't relax - i had to figure out that thing with the form, and i had to think about what i would do when i arrived etc.
i went to stewards' room. there were many of them and i started torturing them with questions. they were cheerful and easy-going.
me: excuse me, can you give me a pen to fill this out?
steward with a pen: but how can i be sure that you will return it? i need it you know?
me: oh well you can sit by my side while i'm filling this out (thinking: and help me with this damn paper!)
stewards: *whistle* oo-la-la!
the steward gave me the pen, the other one told me what to write. he said "just write approximately - who cares? just you have to kind of evaluate all together - cash, and all stuff you are bringing."
me: can i write just "gifts" rather than listing each gift?
steward: yeah it will be fine.
steward 2: gifts? why don't you give some to me???
me: haha
me: but i have stuff like jewelry, clothes...
steward: no no not your things!
as far as i figured i should have written the amount of cash i was bringing and evaluate goods that were to be given to smb else.
so i went to my place and filled it out. when the steward that gave me the pen was passing by i said "hey!"
him: the pennnnnnnnnnnnn!
me: here it is! with a gift for you :)
(i had attached the charm i was wearing on the coat - a little angel, with the word "angel" in russian on it)
the steward held it with fingers with the back side (which was just plain blue) facing him.
steward: oh this is very nice
me: ...
me: turn it first...
and i burst out laughing :D
he laughed too, tapped me on the shoulder and left. i kind of felt good about it. they all were friendly and helped me out so i wanted to give them smth.
then it was time for landing. i looked out of the window and thought "oh god! i AM in America! geeze! i'm on the other side of the planet! i still can't believe it!" America looked strange to me. even the shapeless shapes - like a pond, or whatever, looked designed by human, because they were so perfectly done.
landing... walking through a long corridor... another one... keep going... desks for passport control... "maybe i should have picked up the luggage first? am i doing it right?"... desk 22. i was so tired.. i was leaning against the carry-on's handle.. the man asked me a bunch of questions.. he was being nice too..
man: did you have hepatitis??
me: yeah.. A.. in 98
he got up to ask another guy some things. he was so surprised that i had had it. i didn't care.. the other guy said "that one is okay". then i got my passport back and to my question "what next?" was told to go get the luggage.
i thanked and left. my luggage was standing there and looked like it was the only one remaining. a man suggested me getting a cart. he helped me put the luggage on it. looked like he was wondering if i would yell at him for helping me and saying smth like "i don't need your help! i can do it myself!" and felt relief when i gave him a tired smile and even more tired "thank you very much". i asked where i had to go.
man: to exit.
me: to... exit?
man: yeah :)
me: and what about luggage check, or whatever?
man: no no walk through that gate out. nothing else is needed. you can go :)
i was like WOW!!!!
i walked out.. pushing the cart in front of me.. and then i saw Michael coming towards me. it was over. i was with him. i did it! and i was in his arms.