Thursday, February 7, 2008

week of love. part 3 - engagement

Yes, now we are engaged.

This has been probably the most amazing week in my whole life most of all because it's the biggest, most serious step i have ever taken. But the decision was made easily and well everything was decided much earlier as this is the perfect match and i am engaged with the best man in the world (i wouldn't agree for less though :D).

I can make a long post.. but I will just post several photos instead.

Us and his parents - David and Patricia. They came here on this special occasion and to meet my family. They are very nice and I liked them very much. You should have seen how Michael's dad was dancing Armenian dances! (well not only Armenian though).

This last photo taken by Mary I like very very much. It reveals much character.. The calm and loving look Michael and my wide and loving smile :D

1 comment:

Mary D. Haroutyounyan said...

LOOL :) mi hat el greir voskin inch probayi a, brilliantnern el qani karratanoc en ;D