Thursday, April 2, 2009

hanging out with Nicole - part 1

Me and Nicole wanted to go out for an outdoor photosession. she picked me up and we went to her college first. There was this exhibition - all works were done by women.

It was mostly about colors - all works were very bright and their strongest point was supposed to be the color. to tell the truth, i believe a 5-year old kid could have drawn some of them. but it's considered art, so i'll shut up :D.

oh and prices were ridiculous. it the ones that actually had a chance to be bought were priced realistically - from $100 to $200, and the overpriced ones were just pretending to be so expensive to say "it's high art, you are ignorant if you don't get it." of course, this is my opinion. here are the works that i liked at least a bit, and ones that i loved.

$3500 (only the painting)



$200 (i liked this one)

$200 per piece (my second favorite)

my MOST favorite - i loved this one, it's something i'd consider buying really


Mary D. Haroutyounyan said...

whatever.. I consider them - beautiful

oh, and I really forgot english, that's because you're away :p

Nico said...
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