Wednesday, April 30, 2008

things happening at ERIICTA

i'm feeling very numb right now. so it all has been true and we have to hand in the armenian version of diploma project by 15th.

Instead of going to work for a full day today i spent half of it at university and when i finally got to work i was so pissed off that didn't even manage to right a normal "good-bye" letter as it was my last day at work.

i can say that this has been one of the worst days in my life. the thing is there was a law adopted by the country that the diploma project can be in any language but you will have to present the armenian copy or you can bring only the armenian one. i'm not sure when this law came out but definitely long ago. last year some people defended their projects in english, this year we were told that it's great to have it in english. then a new rector comes to our university, and last week a new vice-rector is elected. The vice-rector says that there is this law and all projects have to be in armenian. it was signed yesterday.

we talked to everybody at the university except for the rector who was 'too busy'. when we went to the vice-rector he said that he doesn't want any problems with the government and that whatever took place before him doesn't touch him in any way. Now he is the vice-rector and everything has to be legal. in other words he is just covering his ass.

even the professors are mad but nobody can do anything. they just played one of the meanest tricks on us. as usual the side for who things turn out the worst are the students.

i just still can't take it in... i can't believe they can do this (in fact already did) and that nothing absolutely nothing can be done. they think they can do everything and that they have the power. Now it is so. but tomorrow things will change. once (actually if..) i graduate, i will write open letters to some newspapers letting everybody know how things really were at this university and what we went through during these years. it won't affect anything but at least the university will gain some bad fame.

i will do my best to cause them as much stress as they caused for us.

they won this battle.. but not the war.

there are many good things about Armenia, but sometimes some bad things outweigh. One of those things is that the country never protects the citizen and that the only thing that can give you a green light in any situation is money.

ERIICTA is not an exception of course. and yes "E" in ERIICTA stands for "European" but it's only the name - long and promising - the european regional institute of information and communication technologies. what stands behind the name? nothing... imagine a balloon with ERIICTA written on it. what will be inside of the balloon? some good stuff? no just old smelling air from somebody's lungs. That's exactly what are university is.

P.S. visit these links:


Anonymous said...

ERIICTA SUCKS!!! I never could imagine that they can do this kind of shit!!!
I just wish them to eat their shit all day long!

Irina D. said...

we will make them eat it someday.

Mary D. Haroutyounyan said...

A bag of shit and suckers. This is ERIICTA from inside.

1. Rector, who must first of all be a member of a party, but not a scientist.
2. Vice-rectore, who takes the new "VICE-RECTOR" with a great pleasure, for more monthly income, but while being in that position, thinks only about his ass.
3. Professors who studied computer science during IT courses for 1 month (or smth near).

And all in all
1. liars, who are fond of hanging announcements on the walls signed with a past date (for instance September 2007), while it is already May 2008.
2. liars, who sign a contract with students about the yearly fee, and then blackmail the students, to give them more money, otherwise they won't give a diploma and will send boys to a military service.
3. liars, who wrote in the contract, that students will study subjects in English starting from the 3rd year, but don't give a shit about it.
4. liars, who promise to give student pension (or how to say it correctly) the best students, but never gave a shit.
If I had enough time, I would remember all the tricks they made on us. Unfortunately this was all I could remember in these 2 minutes.

They are very - very creative people.

Irina D. said...

ah Mary, just so many things were promised and turned to be lies that during the first 2 minutes you remember only the biggest and meanest things which you just can't stomach and get over. but once we get the shitty diplomas (if they give any at all) we will have time to remember everything in detail and make it public through newspapers, announcements and just whatever.

Anonymous said...

YAHH!!! With big pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Блин!!! Говорил же я тогда, Ирка, говорил...
Ну почему меня не кто не слушает :(