Yes, Karlson. It is absolutely impossible that you are not familiar with this character if you were born anywhere in the ex-ussr. The story is by Astrid Lindgren and this story is probably one of your favorite fairy-tales on which you were brought up. I had read it millions of times and watched the cartoon not less. However there are some people who don't like this fairy-tale very very much saying that children have nothing to learn from Karlson, that he is spoiled and will bring nothing but troubles and is terribly-mannered. These same people treat the "Pippi longstocking" story just the same way. And those people are very dull and very much like Freken Bok from "Karlson". Anyway. I've found this cartoon on youtube and it has English sub-titles. (great!! I won't have to translate :D ). I hope you will have as much fun as I did today (I watched it at work and was constantly smiling). Yes, it's a cartoon for kids, but oh the grown-ups have so much to discover in this cartoon and they have so much to learn from it ... and from the children.
"Junior and Karlson" part 1 and 2, with English subtitles
"Karlson has returned" part 1 and 2, with English subtitles
Also, if you notice, the very common phrases that we use in our every-day life so much, come from this cartoon. for example:
мужчина в полном расцвете сил - man at his prime
пустяки, дело житейское - such is life; things like that do happen; there is nothing unusual [out of the ordinary] about it; it's nothing! that's an everyday-ish thing
спокойтвие, только спокойствие - don't worry! just don't worry!
друг спас жизнь друга - the friend saved the life of his friend
я так не играю! - i don't play that way! (like: i don't play with this rules)
this expression has even been translated into armenian, and is used *a lot* in every day life. i myself use it much, but i realized only today that it came from this great cartoon/book.
By the way, even though the cartoon is a very good one, i strongly recommend to read the book :) it will be a great time even if you are a grown-up.
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