Sunday, November 25, 2007


Many ask me whether I like winter. Difficult to say.. for some reasons I do and for some I don't.

  1. it has its beauty (as any other season)
  2. gives interesting plots for photography (as any other season)
  3. it's nice to curl up at home by the fire and read a book and let it be cold and snowy outside
  4. it's great to cuddle up with the beloved one and keep each other warm
  5. snowball war
  6. Michael's visit time
  1. when snow melts a bit, it turns into mud
  2. usually the sky id grey and the city may look dull
  3. you have to wear many things to keep warm
  4. you will anyway have wet feet soon if you have to walk outside
  5. days are short and nights are long
  6. winter exams

do I like winter? Maybe yes maybe no, maybe rain maybe snow :D:D

P.S. well it's almost winter.. and it has already snowed so I'm in winter mood :D Well and in great anticipation of some certain things...

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