Thursday, May 31, 2007

english exam

great just great.

topic: c# and java compared

yesterday instead of reading the report (or whatever) i was making the poster, as they weren't going to let us use the projectors for uncanny reasons. it would be ok if i at least knew the contents of the report. it consists of 12 pages. guess how much i have written on my own? 3-4 sentences in the conclusion. the rest was copied out from various sources, even the introduction. the topic was interesting to me but of course professors from the english chair would understand absolutely nothing. So i knew - whatever i'd have in those pages, they'd still listen, nod whikle i'd be speaking and look in a concentrated way at charts. i could say "java and c# are functional languages used for programming flash" or "java was created by microsoft after c# virtual machine could not satisfy the needs of the consumers". so i couldn't feel enthusiastic about the whole thing. Another reason for it was this poster thing. just a waste of time.

so today i read the introduction and the first part of the report in the taxi. then i arrived at the cafeteria, met Anya and we started making her poster. in between i read some things from here and there on language specification. then i reread these parts already during the exam while others were presenting their projects. when it was my turn, i just started talking about programming, these 2 languages in particular, about things which weren't in the project at all like history of these languages. Also, before going to uni, i was talking to Michael, and he was explaining some things on javadoc, spec language, etc. I used it all :D.

then i decided to speak about delegates. i looked at my professor and said "delegates can be regarded as function pointers *looking into her eyes, kind of nodding*" she nodded and kind of smiled as if it was familiar to her.

same things were happening with Anya and Alex. Anya was speaking about "creating web pages" and she had only finished with the introduction, when they stopped her and asked to go to the conclusion part. Alex had "file system". in the end the professor asked "what is the advantage of linux?" we all kind of imagined what would happen if Alex gave a full answer :D

good point: we had much fun :D

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

13 exams

exam date time C comment

1. german - test 24.05 14.00 1.0 :p
2. english - test 30.05 18.00 1.5 :)
3. english - presentation 31.05 10.00 1.5 what is it about?
4. german - oral exam 01.06 10.00 1.0 topics >:p
5. physical education (!) 05.06 10.00 true 100% i'll "fail"
6. COURSE PROJECT 06.00 10.00 3.0 ready
7. algorithms 11.06 10.00 2.0 2 days are enough

8. !logic 14.00 10.00 1.75 ahahah (that's !logic)
9. russian 16.06 10.00 1.0 hahaha i'll "fail"
10. net 18.06 10.00 2.0 ???
11. probability 21.06 10.00 1.75 !!!
12. java 25.06 14.00 2.0 omg... ?!?!
13. php & mysql 29.06 14.00 2.0 :D

in several words:
a bachelor is asked "how long will it take you to study chinese?" "well, 5 years, i think", he replies. professor is asked the same question and replies that he'll study it in 10 years. the doctor of science says it will be a lifelong study. the student replies with a question: "when is the exam?.."

//yes just several words :D that's what i learnt at !logic :D

some students study these things during the whole semester... some study the same things during days left between the exams :D. we know that we are mean and zzvanq students :D

*yawn* ok let's see what i have to do with this work.. mmm Michael will come online in ~0.5 h. as long as we communicate in english mostly (not taking into consideration the PP-PI language), i can say that i'm getting ready with the english test :D. mmmmm yes and as long as he's the best programmer in the world, i can also say that i'm getting ready with java, php, mysql exams :D.

*makes a PP face* no more distraction. yes. mhm.. mmmm... july... :D...... hmhmhm. cactus. cacti rather (at my desk). and one zzvanq flying cactus at home. cacti don't like rain. if it rains in a minute, i will be a cactus at the exam.

до свиданья

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


web homeworks:
# applet - petrossyan's humour

java homeworks:
& traffic lights (if free_time) {fix a bit} (however this is done)
& n balls of different colors m colors (m is less than n) fly until the hit the border of the frame (then they change direction). selecting a checkbox stops all balls of that color. Then their 'flying' can be resumed.

New activities:
+ dance class

"to do"s:
organize files in the PC
make that smth-special-for-...
read: logic, net, probability theory materials